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Comment Legal analysis (Score 2) 144

Okay, so this one had me scratching my head, but I think after reading this analysis, I might have a handle on it:

-This is not a First Amendment issue, but an issue of interpreting a federal statute making threats illegal.

-The issue is not whether a reasonable person would have interpreted what he said as a serious threat.

-The issue is the author's intent, and it matters what the author's intent is, but it's not clear based on the SCOTUS ruling what sort of intent is required to prosecute (actual intent to threaten vs. recklessness--not caring if it was taken as threatening) .

Basically, the long-and-short of it appears to be that SCOTUS just made this shit a hell of a lot more confusing.

Also notable: in 1969 the Supreme Court ruled in Watts v. United States that the following was protected speech:

They always holler at us to get an education. And now I have already received my draft classification as 1-A and I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L. B. J.

Comment Do Creationists not believe in the food chain? (Score 1) 445

From the Answers in Genesis article:

Dinosaurs could not have died out before people appeared because dinosaurs had not previously existed; and death, bloodshed, disease, and suffering are a result of Adam’s sin (Genesis 1:29–30; Romans 5:12, 14; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22).

So, before Adam's sin, did animals not eat other animals? Did Tyrannosaurus not only coexist with Adam, but also eat kale? Mighty sharp teeth for peeling a banana, gotta say...

Comment What's wrong with hubs? (Score 1) 301

One is fine for a laptop, where I try to keep as few things connected at once as possible (less of a chance of dropping the laptop and destroying the thing plugged into it, like I did with my USB thumb drive). In that rare 1% of cases where I need more than one plug, USB hubs are cheap and easy to come by.

I'm especially interested in playing with one of the new USB-C plugs.

Comment How much energy does it take to produce? (Score 1) 486

TFA's infographic shows the plant being powered by "ecological power generation," but this thing requires, say, a 40 acre wind farm to produce 200 liters a day then there wouldn't be much benefit. The figure to beat is whether it costs less energy to generate this synthetic diesel as it would cost to charge a battery-powered (e.g. Tesla) car.

Comment Luck of the draw (Score 5, Insightful) 160

My 2012 N7 is still going strong (if a bit sluggish under Cyanogenmod 11). And I've heard from a few iPad owners who've had their devices die within months. Consumer electronics is a crapshoot--sometimes your device is essentially immortal (got a 2005 Dell Inspiron that's still doing great), sometimes it dies well before its time. I'd love to see aggregated statistics for median longevity for various tablets from various manufacturers. Would guess that the N7 wouldn't top the list, but would also guess it wouldn't be on the bottom either.

Comment RIP (Score 2) 160

I own a first gen Nexus 7. IMO, it's the ideal size for a personal video-watching device--not large enough to be cumbersome but with a big enough screen to make TV show watching thoroughly enjoyable. It's also ideal for reading articles and great at viewing "full web" (non-mobile) pages. The price (under $200) was the main selling point to me, and I really did feel like it was amazing bang for the buck (especially compared to my wife's similarly-priced Kindle Fire).

Lollipop rendered my N7 basically unusable (would randomly shut itself off--mine, luckily, wasn't one of those whose device got caught in the infinite reboot cycle), but Thank God there's Cyanogenmod, where my N7 is a big sluggish but still perfectly functional. The sluggishness would probably have been enough to make me consider buying a replacement, and I'm sad that there isn't one (I will never buy another Samsung mobile device, and I hate the Kindle Fire series).

Ah, well. I'm used to being part of an unpopular and unprofitable niche market--I'm still waiting for someone (anyone) to release a new full QWERTY keyboard phone.

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