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User Journal

Journal Journal: HA HA! Shithead sheeple downmodders! Eat me!

I have scored MAJOR positive karma with HIGH positive mods, you conformist piece of shit clinging to my bootheel.

I am the iconoclast. You are the bleating sheep whose elite-dogma ideology I crush beneath my bootheel.

Suck it up, sheeple conformists. I rule over you with my dogma-bursting comments that reap much karma....

User Journal

Journal Journal: rightwing mods are tracking on me to mod me 3

The rightwing mods are determined to knock down my karma. THey have been consistently modding me down lately.

and maybe even slashdot admins are modding me after my CONSUME postings...

Comment Re:No smoking gun? (Score 1) 1325

NYPD, now that explains it. Not a bunch known to exercise restraint with their service weapon!

Read the report more carefully. The guys had never been trained to properly set up a BP and there was a good deal of confusion and stress that night relating to the fact that they had to man the BP for forty minutes, instead of the usual fifteen. Add to this the fact that these were NG troops who'd taken a fair number of casualties in their four months in Iraq and it's pretty easy to agree with the itchy trigger finger scenario.

Shit, I'd have done the same, since you don't get court-martialed for killing Iraqi civilians and it might actually save your life. A no-brainer, really.
User Journal

Journal Journal: posts

Well, just got through posting 17 comments to the Jobs Crunch thread.

As usually I have received both up and down mods on many of those posts. Very interesting how a post can be modded as both Insightful and Flamebait!

User Journal

Journal Journal: I am modded up and down in the same posts! 2

Many of my posts are being modded up AND down. So what it is is that my posts are being modded according to the moderator's personal politics. And it only happens to posts that are politically oriented. It goes to show that rightwing/libertarian moderators are intolerant of opposing viewpoints.

User Journal

Journal Journal: ./ editors banned me for excessive posting (for 5 posts)

Here is the message I received from the Slashdot editors: Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner . If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email moderation@slashdot.org with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "6251e5ee1bd0d49c22b79a2ea3a8a76c" and "cd3752d02d0211105ec3821e0c3c2335" and (optionally, but prefera
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot blackout on the important issue of tech jobs!

Slashdot has stopped running stories on the outsourcing of tech jobs to Asia. THey also no longer run stories on the h1b visa scam. Why? Because slashdot is now part of The Corporate Establishment. Have you noticed the flood of stories about how RIAA and the Justice Dept are cracking down on file sharers?

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