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Comment Re:Romney (Score 0) 343

You might want to take a look at this then, before you go vote for him:
and this
Not the original but still good.

See as a Ron Paul Supporter I still spend the time to go find out about other candidates as well as reasons to not vote for Ron Paul. Still haven't found one yet.
Now watch these:
And If you have the time try this

Ron Paul 2012

Comment Re:To all candidates (Score 0) 343

I don't like Ron Paul's stance on abortion but he is right that it is a states issue. Then again it really shouldn't be anyones issue except for the person carrying the baby. But thats up to the states. Although I do believe there should be a term limit on abortion. Other than that I'm for Ron Paul. Most of the policies he wants to throw out are unconstitutional for the federal government to make laws on. He technically not legalizing or legalizing them he making them a states issue which is where they belong. Local governments have always been better at figuring out local issues.

Comment Re:To all candidates (Score 0) 343

At least someone knows how to read The Constitution the way it was meant to. I usually tell people that as they read the constitution remember that it is a legal contract describing what the federal government can do. While anything outside that is something it can not do. It makes less room for broad interpretations.

Comment Re:"These observations should dispel..." (Score 0) 458

clearly no one has read:

Which may be a cause of this situation. I certainly don't believe that plant food ( CO2 ) is a pollutant that causes global warming. That's like saying dihydrogen monoxide Is a horrible chemical compound that can kill people. And the people that are stupid enough to die from water intoxication should be dead. These eco freaks will believe any half truths and bald faced lie. "The people will believe a big lie, but not a small lie." - Adolf Hitler

Comment Re:Privatization? (Score 0) 681

Having more than 3 private security companies would create competition. Thus keeping prices down with higher quality services. That's how it was during the pre-TSA (Totally Stupid A$$holes) days. Or did you forget?

No service or product should be provided at the barrel of a gun; governments are not here to protect and should be abolished.
Adventures in Legal Land - Mark Stevens

Comment Re:They tried this already. (Score 0) 248

I have solution. Get the government to stop subsidizing GMO crops and start growing organic again. And the bee population will fix it's self. These people are like the same people that wonder why corn feed cows gets sick. Instead of realizing that they can only eat grasses. Instead they figure out new chemical ways to keep them from getting sick. Where are the environmentalists on this stuff?

Anyone who has watched Food inc knows what im talking about.

Lets put it together, now. GMO corn and soy are basically the largest crops made in the US. Bees like these crops. Crops are poisonous. Bees are dead. hmmm, makes you wonder what these crops are doing to us.

To help stop this from happening. Buy organic and don't buy things with high fructose corn syrup in it. Later in life you will have recouped the money loss from buying organic by not having massive doctor bills from eating all those GMO poisons. And you would have helped save the bee population that hasn't needed to change evolutionarily, I "bee"leave, for millions of years. Thus saving the planet and ourselves. I call that a win, win, win scenario.

Enough said

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All seems condemned in the long run to approximate a state akin to Gaussian noise. -- James Martin
