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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 1 accepted (7 total, 14.29% accepted)


Submission + - Microsoft support for Functional Programming in F#

mugnyte writes: Microsoft Watch and a bag of other writers are abuzz over Microsoft Research's F# (A functional language specification based on CAML) getting full support in an upcoming release of Visual Studio. F# was developed by Don Syme at the MS Research UK office. F# is one of many languages (like Comega, formerly X#, Xen and others) that Microsoft Research is exploring for it's .NET platform.
United States

Submission + - Obesity Survey Results Stirs Debate

mugnyte writes: Reuters published an article today adding more fuel to the health care debate in the US: 30% responded that the obese (using BMI) should pay more for health insurance, and 60% responded that smokers should pay more for health insurance, relative to others. This is in line with prior results. Given that businesses typically do not want to foot the massive bill, and the recent switch in majority party, is there a wake-up call coming to America's most unhealthy as national health care system creeps more into the spotlight?

Submission + - Where are Customer Service rating systems?

mugnyte writes: "There are various ways to watch single complaints congeal into a groundswell of "market issue" (Badware add-ons, Sony rootkit, AOL uninstall, etc) via blogs and google numbers, but I'm finding no sites that rate Customer Service on an ongoing basis. Something like the home-service-industry Angie's List or perhaps Tom's Hardware guide, but on the topic of Customer Service. Who is doing the hard work to gather and legitimately rate companies by their service?"

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