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Comment Re:Happy President (Score 1) 569

good one. Libertarian party would be DEAD if it weren't for Ron Paul. Look up libertarian on google and wikipedia and you see his name plastered about. I never heard of the "party" prior to him showing up. Yeah he's religious and yah he hates abortion, but he also says it's a state issue not the federal government. He also the first in line that says to follow the constitution which specifically says no discrimination and separation of church and state. So some random non factor on the interwebs calling him a bigot that wants to push his racist/religious agenda is the actual douchnozzle.

Comment Re:Don't EVER be a freedom-loving libertarian (Score 1) 411

also.. the government is already VERY LARGE.. how is that working out exactly. Can you tell me how is this country going? It's not a matter of making it bigger... it's already big. Most of the socialized systems are bankrupt or nearing it. USPS, our school system, social security.. .How are those things playing out? Please explain how these systems are in great shape?

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