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Comment Hey, we can fix this! (Score 1) 409

We're /.

The GPS in the cop car can be rigged to include accelerometer data from the seats. When the accelerometer indicates movement similar to that of sexual activity in the car, it will send an alert to the dispatcher and the unit commander. It could also activate a camera inside the car, and that could be financed through pay-per-view.

Technology solves another problem.

Comment FAP Aid? (Score 1) 233

So if I get one of these cars with a "Fully Assisted Parking Aid" will the car have any stickers saying it has a FAP Aid?

You'd think a big company like Ford would have someone who looks over names just to make sure ... oh... now I understand!

It looks like they already do. Good work Ford!

Comment The real reason drive-ins are failing (Score 1) 236

The demise of the drive-in movie came with the invention of panty-hose and smaller cars. There was a bit of an increase in attendance with the invention of the mini-van and the tilt steering wheel, along with full recliner seats.

But now, the fact that movies can be viewed in the privacy of a bedroom in far better quality than the drive-in is the real reason for the demise. I agree that they could turn into museums, but other for the occasional festival, I think the change bell is dinging away on the second to last reel.

Comment Have you tried the Dorcus people? (Score 1) 296

They don't seem to have updated their catalog for newer devices, but what they do offer seems to fit right in with the tablet sized holster you're seeking:

If that does not work, you might want to check their computer deals pages, just in case they put it there:

Hope that helps!


Comment Bezos may want the delivery system (Score 2) 150

We know that Amazon has been looking for a way to have urban same day delivery for some purchases. Who has a somewhat efficient same day delivery system already in place? Newspapers do, and their equipment and certain systems may be adaptable to a system for delivering parcels at other times, or perhaps even in conjunction with dropping off the bales of papers and putting parcels in a secure facility at the same time.

The same-day delivery system could be the savior of daily newspaper deliveries, and it could become a profit center for newspapers - who would be part of the system of delivering Amazon packages.

Bezos thinks out of the box, and this is certainly an out of the box (so to speak) solution.


Comment Re:Stop renting DVD's (Score 1) 547

Judging by what happened to Hostess, anyone who actually wants to keep that job.

I read somewhere that Hostess was ruined by a bunch of mostly Ding-Dongs and Twinkies. Word is there was at least one Ho in the building, but more likely two Hos. If so, no wonder they got in financial trouble. I heard one guy say they didn't have a Snowball's chance.

Maybe I should pay better attention.

Comment What about performance rights (Score 1) 158

No one seems to have thought about the acquisition of performance rights which can be a substantial amount based on the gross revenues of the sightseeing company.

Look at it another way. You could easily end the problem by:

1. Explaining the cost of performance rights for any music played during the flight would increase ticket costs, and it would be impossible to have enough channels to deal with everyone's music tastes. We do not have flights that last several hours like airliners.

2. Explaining the rules under which we fly require that passengers be enabled to hear what the pilot is saying at all times. That is for YOUR safety. Our pilots are highly trained and can land this aircraft safely in nearly all emergencies. YOUR safety requires quick action and compliance with any instructions the pilot gives. (You may prefer to leave out descriptions of auto-rotation and the need to begin that process nearly immediately on flame-out.)

Give each passenger a card explaining these issues, and perhaps have a map of the route on the card and urge the passengers to pick out certain landmarks from the route. Get them looking out the windows and watching the show there. Give statistics on the flight, tell people how the helicopter works, talk about the training required to be licensed to fly a rotary wing aircraft. Promote your other tours, promote a flying school that offers FAM flights.

This is a classic case of someone misinterpreting the problem, not unusual with people who aren't used to critical thinking. Instead of complaints about preoccupied teenagers not being able to listen to their music, the question should more accurately be, "What can we do to make the flight more interesting for younger kids who are at the 'bored with everything' stage."

A few good ideas might even come from asking kids after the flight what they would do differently. You might get some ideas that could actually work.

But to go off on crusade to find music players overlooks a bunch of better solutions. Going on a search for music players is giving up in defeat and admitting our helicopter tours are so boring that kids would rather listen to music.

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