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Comment Re:In a world of mere content consumers, maybe.... (Score 1) 399

That's a fair question. What would keep me from using an iPad to write a novel? Certainly not processor power, and certainly not lack of software, because you're absolutely right, the iPad has those covered. You're also correct that you'd have to attach a proper keyboard. The small screen is a consideration, but I've managed in the past with a 14" monitor, so I wouldn't really complain about that either. So an iPad with the right peripherals would give me the technology I'd need.

But it's not about the technology. It's the setting. Wordsworth said you get poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions recollected in tranquility: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility." ( Now, I don't write poetry. But the basic process works the same way, even for my plain old humble science fiction and fantasy. Inspiration comes wherever and whenever it will, but when I sit down to work it into something worth reading, I need a place as close to a sensory deprivation tank as I can get. A desktop ties me to the same monotonous desk in the same monotonous room, so the environment fades into the background and I can work. There's no temptation to take the gear on the road and write in the park or by the river or wherever.

I think it would take more discipline than I have to work on an iPad and not be tempted to think I could get things done anywhere. I'd have to nail it to my desk. But if I did, I'd give you the point. It's not the technology's fault.

Comment Re:Real? Maybe. But probably not AGW (Score 1) 695

You appear to be assuming that the curves represented by the studies I indicated represent the real and moment-by-moment temperature variations in the past. They are not. The charts I indicated are averages over long periods of time, obviously, and there's likely a lot of noise in the original data that won't appear on charts spanning millions of years. We don't have any reliable data on how quickly temperature changes happened in the geological past except on gross scales. For short time scales, we have no reason to believe the temperatures didn't vary as rapidly in the past as what we're seeing today, much of that variability would just be noise, and only over the long term would trends emerge. Thus we still have no basis for knowing that what we're seeing today is unprecedented.

Comment Real? Maybe. But probably not AGW (Score 2) 695

Do a search for paleoclimate temperature record and look at some of the really long term charts (like or or The earth appears to oscillate between hot and cold all the time, and has been doing so all along. You could make the case that we're still just climbing out of the last ice age. So maybe it's real, but there's no reason to suppose it's new. The sources cited above point to other, more detailed studies, if Wikipedia isn't elegant enough for you.

Comment Re:Redundent.. (Score 2) 206

Wood already works for "carbon fixation" and you can make things with it that people will actually keep. My mother has some "fixated carbon" in the living room over 100 years old. Just grow a tree and make a desk.

Why use a simple, cheap solution when you can pay so much more for a complicated and less-effective one? The eco-industrial complex can't charge you as much for just growing a tree.

Comment I'll get in line (Score 1) 197

This could be great. My first SW radio was their HR-10B ham band receiver. It stayed alive from 1970 through 2008. If they put out a good general communications receiver, I'd be first in line. I don't suppose we'll see any more of the old crinkly green paint finishes, though, alas.

Comment The Feds want the same thing (Score 1) 223

I work for a Federal agency that shut down during the week-long snow-out around DC during the blizzards in 2010. I was able to work remote, though things were rather quiet, because most folks couldn't. Now, a year and a half on, they want everyone to have remote access in case it happens again. The funny thing is that they still are a little old-fashioned about routine telecommute, even with Congress pressuring them to get it going.

Comment Gödel's incompleteness Theorems (Score 1) 1486

If Gödel's incompleteness theorems hold, then science might well be based on faith all the way up, whether you think you understand it or not. And one thing more: FTFA: "If creationism could pass as science, then schools could teach it–creationism according to fundamentalist Christianity–uncritically as a fact they way they teach science." If schools are teaching science uncritically, then they aren't teaching science.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
