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Comment Re:Well damn. (Score -1, Troll) 404

You must be an idiot.

Sitting on the board of Directors of another company while developing a competing project of your own. That's wrong, him (Google) not being legally punished with a fine for every cent he ever had or will make is what is wrong with intellectual property.

Apple fighting samsung completely legally within the confines of the system (and trouncing them because Samsung is a shit company that can't create anything in the consumer space worth owning) is not what is wrong with intellectual property.

Comment The ads are fantastic (Score 1) 244

- Within 2-3 seconds you know exactly what Apple is marketing with these ads (which is not the computers, but the software and support network surrounding computers).

- There are no god-awful sex appeal tactics

- They get the point across very clearly (when you buy an apple, you can count on a uniform and cultivated support network, and usability out of the box)

- They don't have actors/actresses with horribly annoying catch phrases or voices to try to "stand out".

This ad campaign is completely fantastic. They know they don't need to build the mac brand; they also know that they have to make very clear what makes them special.

Comment Re:Now we get to see (Score 1) 262

I would believe you if Apple hadn't sold so many $600+ iPhones unlocked direct from stores

The real problem with Google selling phones in the past is that

a) not that many people wanted them*

b) they fucking suck at it (read the horror stories of buying the nexus online direct from Google)

*Keeping in mind, that although android has a large portion of the US market share, any given phone has very little

Simple fact is lots of people bought the most popular iPhone direct from Apple, then proceeded to move up the chain until they were all sold out.

Comment Now we get to see (Score 0) 262

When the most popular version of the iPad sell out, it's usually minutes before the rest sell out as well (because people are easily pushed into paying more or in many cases accepting less storage). The true popularity test for the Nexus will be just that.

However, due to Google's piss poor marketing the situation is a little different. Apple nearly always manages to have it's most popular model be the lowest end - so that you never have to settle, only pay more.

I'm watching this with quite a bit of interest. Google has a product here (a physical product) that people actually want, and historically they manage to fuck that up every time.

Comment Re:Deadlier? (Score 1) 104

More interestingly, if the terrorists attacked solely critical care centres and retirement homes the outcry would most likely be greater. But flu works exactly the opposite (it gets less attention because it mostly kills those groups).

I'm not going either direction here, I don't care enough about other people to give a damn which is the "correct" attitude. I just find it quite interesting.

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