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Comment Re:It takes more.. (Score 0) 1319

Actually I wasn't raised religious whatsoever. Infact I rarely thought about God and religion until I was 16. Most atheists I've spoken to however say the opposite (to the former not the latter), that they were raised in a religious environment (typically catholic). Looks like if i want my future children to be christian I'll have to raise them to be atheists.

Comment It takes more.. (Score -1) 1319

It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God. We can't see either, true, but believing in some kind of order and divine infrastructure is easier to comprehend than a godless, hopeless, universe where eventually all life will cease to exist leaving nothing but a cold, black, empty void. Personally I think anyone who believes in evolution is a total f*cking idiot.

Comment games (Score 0) 1880

The only reason I continue to use windows is Games, though most of them are available for linux they just don't seem to run as smoothly under linux as they do on windows (driver issue?). In the future however I do want to go completely open source, linux for the OS, gimp instead of photoshop, etc.

Comment Go anonymous!! (Score 0) 744

I wish I could call myself a christian, but i cannot, I've backslidden. But I can rebuke the westboro baptist church.. God loves everyone the same regardless of creed, colour, sexuality or way of life. Jesus said love thy neighbour as thyself. I hardly think a church that sets up a website called 'GodHatesF*gs' is interested in following that particular teaching. Jesus also said, judge not lest ye be judged. And its pretty clear to me that the westboro baptist church isn't interested in loving homosexuals, just judging their sins as if they are god. Seems to me that on the day of judgement, members of the westboro baptist church will have alot to answer for.

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