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Comment Re:Too Expensive (Score 3, Informative) 72

Most computing/games magazines in the UK are expensive nowadays.

5.99 UK Pounds is a lot of money for a 116 page magazine, but it gives a higher per-page value than Linux Magazine (100 pages for 5.99) and Linux Format (100 pages for 6.49).

Linux Voice is a good magazine, though it has distribution issues. You can only find it in the town/city WH Smiths, rather than the railway stations where I buy most of my magazines. It's also difficult to find a copy with an attached coverdisc, since the glue they use is a bit rubbish.

Comment Can you use it to monitor movements? (Score 1) 122

Neat, though I wonder about the privacy issues of its widespread use. If you can scan for a doppler frequency shift in the next room and record change over time, you could capture your neighbours position over time and render their movements on-screen.

Obligatory sci-fi reference: Continuum did something like this last year.

Comment Re:An e-book is not a book. (Score 1) 465

Maybe it's not generational at all, but rather people who have had to relocate many times in their life. The more stuff you have to carry around, the harder (and more expensive) it is to move. Many bookcases full of books is a lot more hassle to move than a hard drive full of ebooks.

This. I was in the same situation as the grandparent post - I couldn't think of a time when I could do without analogue media. However, I can see the advantage now that I've moved to London. I have to pay a fortune to rent a tiny flat and don't have the space for a large number of objects. Any CDs or DVDs I buy are transferred to disc and I take the physical media to my parents' house for storage. For books that I want to keep for the long-term, I've started to go for the paperback to reduce storage space, and regularly clear out those that I don't want anymore. It's impractical to drive in the city, so I have to think about how I will transfer items to a new place. I would love to own a 32-inch TV, but went for a 22-inch TV because it is easier to carry.

As the population grows and housing costs increase, it's likely we'll be forced to live in accommodation that is smaller than that held by our parents. I suspect we'll see more people moving to digital storage for many types of personal item to free up some space.

Comment Re:The solution.. (Score 0, Offtopic) 484

You're words are truthy enough, but your assuming that synergistic words like irregardless don't have impacts on english as we know it. The facts is that people will use words like that wether we like it or not. This is truely, the case when it comes to American's use of language. Sadly, theirs very little we, as people far more litterate than the average people, can really do about that. If people used grammer checkers, then you and me would not see so many people authoring bad words and having a negative affect on english as it is known and practised today but should be editted and spokened tomorrow.

Er... Why is this insightful? It's full of (intentional) errors. It should be +5 funny.

Comment Re:Enough already, Apple (Score 1) 254

Censorship is more indecent than any use of profanity ever can be.

Someone has to make a reality check.

I have no idea how the parent post was rated insightful. It sounds great in theory - information wants to be free, and all that - but it's an incredible simplistic argument to make. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with restricting information access. Do you want your home address, bank details and medical records to be published? What? You don't? Well done, you support censorship!

The question we should ask is who Apple believe they can protect by censoring specific content. It's possible to hear similar language down your local pub, so it's unlikely that they're trying to protect an adult who is accessing the service. Instead, it's likely that Apple are following the recommendations of a Slashdot meme - they're thinking of the children.

At this stage in a Slashdot thread it's common for someone to chime-in by suggesting that it's the parents responsibility to prevent a child from viewing questionable content. I've noticed that Slashdotters like to blame parents for most of the ills of the world. The parent made the decision to bring a child into the world so they should shoulder the blame when a child does something bad, right? It isn't the job of a web site admin or business to baby-sit the child, etc. There's just one little snag - a parent can't place their child in a giant bubble, nor can they monitor everything that the child views on ther internet. They do their best, but there are always moments of unsupervised use - the parent has fallen asleep for 20 minutes after a long shift at work, they're cooking an evening meal, they've gone to the toilet, maybe they're trying to learn a new programming language for their job. Alternatively, maybe the parent is trying to encourage the child's interest in technology by allowing them to play with the new iPhone they just bought. Who would object to a parent trying to create the next generation of geek? Apple is a professional company and there's no harm in allowing them to scroll through the app store and pick up a few apps, is there?

Then the kid notices an unassuming RSS reader...

I know that the Slashdot collective are a clever bunch of people who can put their mind to any scenario. Imagine you're Apple (don't worry about the lack of eyes, ears, arms and legs - you're a business, not a fruit). As Apple, you know that your user community is diverse in its appeal, from young children to old people who smell of mothballs. You also know that the Internet has some seriously dodgy stuff on it and that, by providing access to third-party services through an RSS reader you are potentially allowing the aforementioned children to access the aforementioned dodgy stuff. More importantly, you have 50 more apps to review today and you know that you can be sued for making the wrong decision.

So what do you do? Do you:
[1] accept the app and hope that no one gets upset about it and sue you or complain to the press?
[2] Classify an RSS reader in an 'adult only' mode, as QuantumG suggests?
[3] Reject the app, minimising the risk that you are sued and/or receive bad press.
[4] Er... Open Box 4, phone a friend, consult the wheel of morality?

I know which choice I would make.

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