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Submission + - Microsoft's bulk deal with New Zealand Collapses (computerworld.co.nz)

vik writes: "The 3-year whole-of-government deal that Microsoft has been establishing with the New Zealand government since 2000 has collapsed, opening the doors to the wider use of Open Source software in government. The NZ State Services Commission (already a prize-winning user of Open Source) says in a statement that it "...became apparent during discussions that a formal agreement with Microsoft is no longer appropriate". Having lost their discount, individual government departments will now have to put their IT requirements out to tender individually."

Submission + - Does OO Reality Match The Theory? (sefolklore.com) 1

gnat writes: "How often do real world programmers follow the advice of university OO design and programming courses? That's the question the Software Engineering Folklore survey sets out to answer, and they're specifically interested in Open Source languages and practices. They will open source the (anonymized) survey responses, which will let us break down (bad?) habits by programming language and perhaps even find out whether those expensive university programming classes teach anything useful."

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