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Comment Re:Getting what you paid for (Score 1) 427

Actually, if you read what I stated, you'd know that what you claim I stated is not at all the same thing. I said that Limiting volume implies CONTROL. This control is a foot in the door. This "movement" is designed to get that foot in the door. This will bypass the argument that the Government has no business controlling private networks (in any capacity.) It will dictate that Government DOES have business controlling private networks (in capacities that it so decides.) This will *lead* to control of content. For you see the Government is using the FCC to bring about these net regulations. What other mandates are given to the FCC? Censorship. Then in the legislative branch, you have Democrat politicians discussing openly and actively pursuing this "Fairness Doctrine" and legislation like that.

Please tell me what you get when you put all of that into a blender and hit "mix?"

I'll tell you. Absolute control of the flow of information by content control.

It's not really a conspiracy "theory" anymore. It's now just a conspiracy. The more you argue in favor of Government regulating the Internet, the further along you advance that conspiracy. Even if you have good intentions and believe the legislation is of good intent. You're being used. First they came for the ISPs..?

Comment Re:Everyone wants something for free. (Score 1) 427

If there's sufficient demand then there's a market. If there's a market, then there's money to be made. If there's money to be made, someone will do it. Honestly, this shit isn't rocket science and the fact that you internet dweebs can't figure it out astounds me. You'd sell out private networks to government control because you don't want to use a slower competing ISP. So, you like the service, but you want to demand of the service something it does not want to provide via legislation. What sniveling tyrants you've all become. And of course, all tyrants only understand force, which is how you justify using force against ISPs to provide you with something they do not want to provide. All you are doing is going to artificially keep ISP costs higher for customers and distort the market preventing true innovation and adaptation to your needs from occurring. It's just not fast enough for the "gimme-it-now" generation.


Comment Re:Getting what you paid for (Score 1) 427

No! Actually, it's about CONTROL. The ability to control the volume of content predicates on the ability to control content *period.* From that ability will bring forth control OF content. Once the government has this hook in on volume, the argument that the government has no place in private networks will have been lost. Therefore, it will see fit to use it for other means.. such as controlling content. Which is something many of your lefty buddies want to do.

Perhaps, you should be the one not perpetuating stupidity.

Comment Re:If true... (Score 1) 339

10x less money goes a long way in China where the per-capita income is 15-20x less. That and I can assure you, waste, pork and cronyism exist in China too, except to a much greater extent. You shouldn't have any doubts that China has the economic power to match the USA in a few decades.. provided things go smoothly for them.

Comment Re:If true... (Score 1) 339

That's quite the inane rant you've got there. I guess the fact that China has a well known history of stealing technology rather than developing it themselves doesn't really register with you. Maybe you should spend less time thinking about penises and the KKK and more time understanding the actual issue at hand.

No worries though, I know anyone that disagrees with you is obviously a warmongering racist.

Comment Re:Joke Time (Score 1) 640

Oh, since you know what this fraction is, perhaps you could share it with the rest of us? What exactly is a TINY fraction of 1.2 billion people? Perhaps you could also tell us what a TINY fraction of the rest who give direct support to that other TINY fraction? Or the other TINY fraction who gives indirect support to that other TINY fraction? Or that other TINY fraction who are so apathetic and indifferent as to not stopping that TINY fraction but also preventing other people from stopping them?

Oh, please, wise statistician, tell us mere fools your great numerical wisdom.

Comment Re:Joke Time (Score 1) 640

Lol. Yes, it's been tried. It's a load of shit. They will have a cease-fire until they are powerful enough to resume hostilities. You need to do some more reading. Let's also note that Muslims worldwide are fighting members of every single religion on earth including atheists. Almost every country with significant Muslim populations, no matter their religion/ethinicity/politics are under siege by Muslims who openly subvert and demean their laws. Oh, and BTW, it's Thou shalt not commit murder. A much more narrowed focus.

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