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Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

the tea party is a wing of the republican party, but it's because the tea party represent what the republican party represented years ago. the real problem is that establishment republicans are not what the republican party used to be in the days of robert taft... the republican party has lost its way, but not because of anything the tea party has done. the tea party has brought real fiscal responsibility to the forefront of politics where it needs to be in this age of spiralling sky high debt.

why do you think so many people look at establishment republicans and democrats as being basically the same? it's because they are the same... big government spenders... with some minor token differences on social issues that government shouldn't even be involved in.

The tea party (i.e. Republicans) were responsible for shutting down the government

at least you made it abundantly clear where you get your news from... Fox and CNN

the tea party didn't shut down the government at all.... that's just stupid. the tea party doesn't control government. the democrats in the whitehouse control the government. the government shutdown was political theatre by the democrats (and even establishment republicans working together against the tea party) because they are scared shitless of the tea party taking their congressional seats in the next election. house republicans passed bill after bill to fund almost all of the government... the democrats in the sentate not passing these piecemeal funding bills because they were afraid that they wouldn't get their beloved obamacare funded was the real political theatre.

you can pretend that the tea party shut down the government, but you can't stop more and more people from waking up to the realization of that being total bullshit.

The tea party is way far removed from being libertarian at this point. There is almost nothing libertarian about it anymore.

that's just nonsense... try turning off your tv and get out more to find out what the tea party is doing. most of the tea party follows ron paul, who is as libertarian as they come. of course Fox and CNN want you to think differently, but that's because they are controlled by the very people that are threatened by the tea party.

Do they understand that freedom means *not* defining marriage to be between one man and one woman?

the majority of the tea party movement doesn't concern itself with marriage because there are much bigger fish to fry... the government shouldn't be involved in deciding who can marry and who can't. the media focus on people who claim to be tea party followers talking about marriage are likely plants, and reporting by CNN and Fox is basically all propaganda.

the tea party continually highlight fiscal responsibility, sound money, putting a stop of empire building, renewing friendly trade ties with other nations, increasing government transparency and personal privacy, etc.

Fox and CNN will do anything they can to keep voters eyes off the ball, and for many (including yourself apparently) it is working.

Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

The leadership is not afraid

yes they are

why do you think we keep seeing internet regulation bills come up in congress?
tea party candidates are winning elections, pushing other republican and democrat candidates out... and their buddies are afraid it will happen to them
why do you think even some democrat candidates are turning their backs on obamacare or quitting altogether?
why do you think during the 2012 republican primary there were entire electorates excluded from the vote because they were full of ron paul supporters?
why do you think Fox and CNN repeatedly launch personal attacks on tea party and libertarian supporters and candidates because they're afraid of giving their political views any more publicity than they are already garnering on the internet?
why do you think bitcoin has gained traction?

tea party and libertarian supporters already know that CNN, Fox, etc are full of shit, and they are opening the eyes of many of their colleagues, friends and family at a rate that is alarming the establishment. obama is just a puppet... tea party followers direct their anger towards him, but only as a representative of a much bigger problem... and that is big government and the military industrial complex and banking cartel that it supports.

the establishment was fearful of ron paul and his supporters, and that fear of ron paul's legacy is obvious today

the leadership/establishment isn't afraid because of their positions today (yes they are raking in dollars) but they are scared to death of how quickly their power may be snatched from them

america is slowly but surely turning to shit, but many see this as the beginning of something better... not something to be afraid of.
the tyranny of big government is much worse than some uncertain tomorrow.

Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

My assertion is more that their movement seems to be driven by fear

i don't think so... i think fear is the tool of the republican and democrat parties

the tea party and the libertarian movements are increasing in popularity because they cut through the fear mongering by the duopoly

the only fear that the tea party instills is in republican and democratic politicians who fear losing their power

the tea party (like libertarians) isn't really left or right... it's just anti-big government

there are anarchists in the tea party, but the majority understands that government has a limited role to play in national defence (opposed to military interventionism and empire building) and some other things. there are different ideas, but that's healthy in any party and shouldn't be feared.

all the propaganda about the tea party shutting down government and threatening US default is just that... propaganda, and if anyone looks beyond what they see on Fox and CNN it's pretty obvious that the tea party is not the problem

Comment Re:Temporal Control Circuits (Score 1) 127

elite/ruling class were the only ones with gold jewelry

well duh... the elite/ruling class were the only ones who could afford such a valuable commodity

I think I would stock up on salt like a mofo

there's nothing wrong with salt (or other spices) as a commodity... they just aren't as valuable as gold (pound for pound)

if someone with a pound of gold came up to you with your stockpile of salt, do you really think that pound of gold would only buy a pound of salt... in any scenario or any timeline?

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