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Comment Re:I fly all the time (Score 2) 487

Most atmospheric radiation goes right through your body. The rest is generally absorbed evenly throughout your body mass. The airport scanners concentrate ALL their emissions on the surface of your body, no more than a few millimeters deep.

These scanners probably are safer than people think, but according to those same current models of radiation-cancer association, more people WILL develop cancer and die from being exposed than if the scanners were not used. The question must be: does this increased risk justify the reward? Are we saving lives by preventing terrorist attacks? How many?

Exactly two things have made air travel safer since 2001: reinforced cockpit doors and passenger awareness. EVERY other airport or airplane security scheme serves not to make us actually safer, but to make people who don't know any better FEEL safer. If a terrorist gets to the airport with a plan and means to blow up a plane, our security efforts have already failed.

Comment Re:Mission Accomplished (Score 5, Insightful) 1855

If we heard that a United States General had been captured, crucified, and fed to rats, would that soothe the average American or aggravate him? Would he be more or less likely to support violent retribution or volunteer to fight?

Trumpeting a triumph in victory against our foes is all well and good, but purposeful desecration of the body? We're better than that. A slap in the face against deeply conditioned religious beliefs? I would hope we're smarter than that.

Comment Re:Be that as it may (Score 1) 961

"The people" are, on the whole, intellectually unfit to govern themselves.

Anything, on the whole, is pretty much only capable of governing itself. From the perspective of any arbitrary constituent part, the whole is unfit to govern that part. From the perspective of the whole, its constituent parts generally fail to enter into consideration at all. Think of your body, a harmonious collection of trillions of cells perfectly capable of perpetuating its existence for decades. Yet every day billions of your cells die violently from radiation, poison, attack by invaders, or mandated apoptosis. The human species, the class of all human bodies, hums along for millennia. Yet every day thousands die of starvation, disease, warfare, and chromosomal degeneration

Now I realize that you probably didn't mean "the people" as a whole when you referred to people "on the whole". Given "themselves" I rather think you meant people' as a collection of individuals, rather than as an aggregate entity like your body or "the government". I find that any given person is, in general, perfectly fit intellectually to govern himself. Just as your body is predisposed to physically perpetuate itself, and genetically predisposed to perpetuating the species, as long as possible. But on the other hand, I have also found that very few people are intellectually fit to govern anyone else. I agree with the rest of your post.

Comment Re:Ummm... (Score 2, Informative) 289

Solidity isn't a measure of molecular or atomic density, of how much of an object's actual volume is 'matter' as opposed to empty space. It's a measure of the arrangement of those molecules and their resistance to change in that arrangement.

Solidity could be thought of as a resistive force being provided as an aggregate of the energy bonds between atoms & the arrangement of and repulsive force between adjacent molecules. In particular therefore, measurement of solidity is dependent on the size and force of the measurement device.

This table in front of me is solid relative to my hand as I push on it. It's not solid relative to an object small enough to slip between the wood grain, such as perhaps a gamma ray photon. It's also not solid relative to an ax or sledge swung at high velocity, at least not at the time and location of impact.

Comment Re:Blind Faith != Religion (Score 1) 892

Fairy tales are more than true. ~Chesterton

Myths ought not be interpreted as literal depictions of historical events, but as frameworks for us to work within when dealing with events in our own lives. It doesn't matter if God shaped the world from the darkness on the deep in seven days, or sneezed man into life from snot, or breathes the Brahmanic big bang on the exhale and the corresponding crunch on the inhale. These stories allow us to live our lives with meaning rather than cold facts and fear of the dark.

Barbaric acts arise from a thirst for power and a fear of the different. If those followers didn't have religion as an excuse for their acts, they would have found another excuse. Don't blame religion for those acts any more than you would blame the science of genetics for a eugenic massacre.

Comment Re:Or fix it-get rid of software and business pate (Score 2, Interesting) 175

The sale hole is very easily plugged: require all patent transfers to be registered, and another tiered fee paid by the buyer. No refunds on the original fee. In other words, the fee is charged every time a patent changes ownership, including the first time when it previously had no owner.

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