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Comment Extra revenue from experiment not accounted for : (Score 1) 562

What about the payment from the marketing company who paid for access for the sales information and our user data, and the consequent revenue raised by selling this data back to the music industry. I'll bet it's not insignificant, marketing data is big business and nobody want's it more right now than the music and related industries.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdotted... my life is complete.

Today is the 8th of May. Before I left work yesterday, I ASKed SLASHDOT about a spam issue I was working on. The following day at work, I realise my post has come and gone.. I missed it! Four years of rejected posts and I finally get accepted.. and I miss it! Well ... as there were no links (other than my homepage) I wasn't subjected to melting servers, notoriety, or death by flames. Maybe next time eh.

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
