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Comment Re:Add in the cost for the hassle factor (Score 1) 341

When I was at Honeywell, I sat across from a very loud talker in finance. When she wasn't talking shit about her deadbeat (ex)-husband to friends/lawyers, she was explaining to suppliers that Honeywell paid on Net 60 terms and they could take it or leave it. It wouldn't surprise me to find that large companies are pushing to Net 90 if they can get away with it.

Learning about payment practices of larger (and sometimes smaller) companines has been one of the most... heartwarming aspects of working for a small business. Perfectly illustrated by the Obligatory Dilbert.

Comment Re:Misleading title on original article (Score 1) 55

Suddenly your little newsletter is in more demand than you can meet, and you literally have to turn away some folks sans article. Some enraged would-be reader slices your car's tires for causing them the fruitless journey, thus the act of running out of in-demand newsletters becomes known as the "Slash-Tire Effect".

You are my hero forever.

Also, +1 Recursive Humor

Comment Re:Next Valve Game (Score 1) 88

I fully expect the two divergent plots to merge. Keeping in mind that (spoiler):

Yeah, that's what we said about Half Life: Opposing Force, and apparently now it never officially happened.

I think this is a different situation, in that Opposing Force was developed primarily by Gearbox (if I recall correctly), as opposed to the Portal franchise, which is developed by Valve itself.

Comment Re:AOD (Score 1) 261

Turn in your geek card. All these should be familiar enough by now.

If we were real geeks, we'd refer to a "BSoD", when it occurs in an NT-family Windows OS, as a STOP Error (unless it's a "Hardware Error", or an "NMI Parity Check"). But clearly I'm just being +1 Pedantic Asshat. (On that note, I really wish Slashdot would let me change my nickname)

Comment Re:Not guilty under CFAA only (Score 2) 88

Christ he was indicted on 20 counts, including mail fraud and trade secret theft. They have plenty of other indictments to work from.

Counts that they wouldn't have to spend nearly as much effort on, to boot.

I had the experience of being on a jury for a similar case in the Silicon Valley area a couple years ago. I'd have to say that the whole "e-mailing rather sensitive documents to yourself on the way out *and* using it in a competing startup" approach seems to be a foolproof way to get yourself found liable for little things like misappropriation of trade secrets.

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