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Comment Re:Brave New World (Score 1) 1365

This seems to be the majority of America. Insufficient of the population seem to care about the current political situation and even less think that they can actually do anything to fix it and even if they do most of them don't really understand enough about politics to see through the disinformation provided by the political parties.

It seems Huxley has already predicted corporate run America.

Fox News (and others) diluted news is just part of the issue. Quality is missing. Capitalism ultimately leads to mediocrity.

Comment Re:Going down in flames (Score 1) 575

I have to say that you both have points. jQuery can make things easier. BUT. It has huge memory leaks which will bite you really badly if you use it a lot.

I too have my own set of libraries for most things and still use them just because of the issues around jQuery.

I still use jQuery for some things though. The time consuming part was determining which parts area actually safe to use.

Comment Re:Skills and or methodoligies to learn (Score 1) 229

There have been many interesting posts throughout this stream, but no-one has as yet mentioned requirements analysis. Yes, you could say that you have engineers to perform this task, but perhaps you need to analyse from a different perspective, that of the business perspective.

So learn to ask "Why?" a lot and find the real objectives for a task. If you know the reasons, then you can prevent frustration in the ranks. So take a requirements analysis course.

So now you need to know.

What do you want us to do?
What is the issue?
What is the objective which the issue is preventing us from reaching?

And - How much will you spend?

Comment What wings used for before flight? (Score 1) 59

This is too obvious and therefore likely wrong. But when an animal jumps from tree to tree (vague thoughts of Monty Python "Swinging from tree to tree") it holds it's arms out. When a runner jumps a long gap, s/he continues to pedal the legs as if there is something to pedal on. The arms being out stretched would, initially, be of little aerodynamic value but, with a little evolution here and there, would soon be of advantage to the animal enabling it to leap further if they had some extra skin attached under the arms. How much further of a leap is it to assume that an evolved, small aerodynamic surface would benefit the next round, or that moving the limbs, like we humans do in a long jump, would assist the "jump"?

Comment Certificate qualifications can be worth anything (Score 3, Informative) 444

The issue with certifications from IT companies is that there are very few standards which regulate them. Essentially, all they mean is that you turned up and probably passed a test. If you have not used this knowledge since then the certificate is as good a useless. If you have that degree from a reputable school then that already speaks to your ability. Now you have to be convincing of the specific skills.

Generalizations are impossible. There are so many areas of IT which require skills that you will never acquire in a classroom that the only way to see if a candidate is worth their salt is an interview. Here we come to your point of actually reaching the interview stage. The US is a country which largely works on a "who you know" basis. Networking is very important here. This differs in other countries. As someone who regularly reviews resumes for candidates I am shocked by the poor quality of the literacy in the resume and also the incorrect use of technical names, abbreviations and acronyms (and people who have no idea what this last word actually means). You can judge a great deal about the candidate from their resume. Do not try to use terms with which you are not 100% familiar. It is incredible the number of resumes from candidates who will incorrectly use terms because they are not proficient and try to over fill the skill section.

Hopefully, if you are looking to move to an organization worth moving to, they will have good staff at the interview. If the position is looking for a particular proficiency and you don't have it then of course you are at a disadvantage. But an employer will consider paying less for someone who is bright, hard working and thinks the right way.

Specific skill sets can be easily acquired in most circumstances. General skills can take a lifetime to acquire.

Have your resume edited by someone else. Please. Then find someone who can deliver it to the right person. This is your best chance of getting an interview.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
