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Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 712

With one or two major exceptions, those third-party games are mostly indie games that had to port to Linux in the past to be part of a Humble Indie Bundle. His point stands - there's no guarantee that Steam for Linux will produce enough game sales for the major publishers to start porting their titles to Linux.

Comment Re:Please Help Me Through Demonstration (Score 1) 390

Try the first line of the summary: "You may recall from last week the news item concerning FunnyJunk's extortion ..."

The meaning of that is "this is a continuation of a story that has been posted recently on Slashdot, and if you missed the earlier story, you might want to read up on it for context." That's why he included a link to the previous Slashdot post.

Comment Re:A fork for old machines (Score 3, Insightful) 330

There's no need for a fork. If anyone shows an interest in making one of the old drivers compatible with the current driver interface (there were some recent driver API changes in texture mapping) and maintain it, then it will be added back to the Mesa tree as long as it's maintained and doesn't stay broken.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
