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Comment Re:Governor Appointed (Score 1) 640

Why would they be salivating at doing something that wouldn't produce valid results? They are being ordered to do junk science to promote a political agenda. No scientist worth his salt would be interested in something like that.

"I direct you to conduct a scientific study of where babies come from, with specific references to storks and the "baby store." But no mention of sex, please, because that's icky."

Comment Re:Seems Pricey (Score 1) 151

Really? I use x86 DAW/Djing software and I've been looking for a tablet robust enough to run them on. If this will run my performance software reliably then I'm in for one, and it saves me several pounds on my travel rig. If you have a better way to run low-latency audio software then I'm curious to hear about it.

Comment Re:Cantonese is superior to mandarin (Score 1) 562

And yet somehow people manage to have perfectly normal conversations in it. If you're going to argue that a language isn't "useful" then your dealing with pretty insurmountable evidence to the contrary when, you know, people use it.

Plus, the reason that Chinese local languages haven't developed is because they're being actively suppressed by the central government in Beijing. It's not a damned coincidence.

Comment Re: Was that really necessary? (Score 5, Insightful) 208

No one forced him to use an international communication system.

So two governments cooperate to spy on each others' citizens with no judicial oversight and you are ok with it because ... wait. Why are you OK with it? Because the communication was international? So you believe that no international communications should enjoy privacy protections? Why?

Comment Re: Do good ... (Score 1) 569

Serious. There are so many people in this little thread taking what Hitler said about his own party and its goals as though those things mean anything at all. Guys, Hitler was a liar. The Nazis were liars. They said anything they thought would buy them more votes so they could win enough elections to seize power completely. Believing Hitler's own propaganda about Nazism makes no more damned sense than believing China's nonsensical rhetoric about global liberation of ethnic minorities.

Comment Re: Do good ... (Score 4, Informative) 569

Nazism and Facism, for example are types of Socialisms (despite the unwillingness of some in accepting it mostly due to ignorance).

No. That is wrong. And while it's cute calling people who disagree with your bad facts "ignorant," that won't save you. Socialism runs the state's economic machinery for the benefit of the populace. This is its primary defining feature. Fascism runs the state for the benefit of the ruling party. This is its defining feature. The two are irreconcileable, which is why Fascists outlawed trade unions.

Comment Re: It was bound to happen (Score 2, Interesting) 198

Not exactly. Forfeiture is a separate, civil proceeding against the property itself, and not the owner. In order to prevail, the DA has to prove only that it was more likely than not that the property in question was the proceeds of, or used to advance, criminal conduct. So it is much, much easier to steal property through forfeiture than it is to convict someone of a crime. In some cases the property is taken even if the person is found not guilty in a court. In some even more egregious cases, the property is seized and the owner is never even charged with anything. The real kicker? There's no right to an attorney in forfeiture cases, so you don't get a PD if you can't afford a lawyer.

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