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Comment IDE plugins can help too (Score 1) 147

Back when I was developing in C#, I used (and loved) CodeRush. (http://devexpress.com/Products/Visual_Studio_Add-in/Coding_Assistance/) This assumes you're using VisualStudio.

I wasn't doing one-hand development but found it extremely helpful and I think it could apply in you situation. It supports macros/templates and things like smart brackets where you don't even need to type brackets. You could just b+TAB or whatever you want. It would give you a bracket body with your cursor placed in the middle. It has been a few years since I've used it so you'd want to checkout how it currently works.

Comment Re:Brilliant (Score 1) 474

I'm tired of being a slave. A slave to the dollar, a slave to the government, a slave to the company I need to work at to survive in this pitiful existence. I don't want some big corporation to take away my personal computing experience.

Honestly, I'm not trolling here. But I felt the same way. I used to be a full-time C#/Windows developer (12 years of windows development). I have since moved to Linux and love it. I develop for the web (er... cloud) using Open Source projects for my OS, language, community tools, frameworks, etc. I do pay $60 US for my development IDE.

I am no longer at the mercy of a corporation making development tools where I have to stay on the Microsoft treadmill and pick up every new thing they put out (good, bad or abysmal). If I don't, then I don't have the same amount of experience as others who do.

So I'm free from the tooling race, the $ for an OS, a big corporation telling me what I have to learn and run.

I'm still a slave to the government and needing to be employed. But I'm working on those too. :)

Comment Syncany (Score 1) 482

Syncany (http://www.syncany.org/) aims to be exactly that (Dropbox replacement). It has a Linux and Windows client. It supports syncing to a number of services and encrypts *before* going over the wire.

It is a young project, but developing quickly. It's one I "have my eye on".

The Ubuntu UK Podcast interviewed the creator. Check it out. http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/05/25/s04e07-powerslave/

You can use a variety of file stores. Some very unconventional:
* Local Folder: uses any local folder as storage. This could be any mounted device, network file systems (NFS), or any virtual file system based on FUSE.
* FTP: uses an FTP folder as remote repository.
* IMAP: uses an IMAP folder as remote storage. Stores file chunks as e-mail attachments.
* Google Storage: uses a bucket in the Google Storage service as repository.
* Amazon S3: uses a bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service as remote storage.
* Rackspace Cloud Files: uses a Cloud Files container as remote storage.
* WebDAV: uses one folder in a WebDAV as remote storage.
* Picasa Web Albums: encodes the file chunks in images, and uses a Picasa album as repository.
* Windows Share (NetBIOS/CIFS): uses a Windows share as data repository.
* Box.net: uses a Box.net folder as data storage.
* SFTP/SSH: uses an SFTP folder as data storage.
* more to come ...

A good option when wanting full control.

Comment Re:Technically... (Score 1) 1277

It is NOT because Democracy has "Democrat". As a Utah resident, that is just stupid.

I believe part of the intent is to teach that mob-rule (popular vote) is not how the country was Constitutionally organized.

Fun Quote:
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Democracy)

Comment Very bad for OpenSource (Score 2) 145

This appears to be very bad for OpenSource. Unless the tax is in % of cost, which I highly doubt, then it will make distributing free software cost prohibitive.

If I choose to produce a free library that ends up being widely used and is later found to having a security bug, I could be forced to pay thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. Why would I want to create that risk for myself? It could have a strong chilling effect with sharing.

The US Federal Government has no authority to levy that kind of tax. Any effort to enforce this should be fought.

Comment Record her life's story in print (Score 1) 527

My sister started a business where she sits down and interviews people about their life. The interview is transcribed, edited, and printed into physical books. I now have wonderful personal histories for members of my family. My wife helped in the editing of some of my sister's other clients. The books all come across as the subjects voice and a personal perspective. They have been loved by the receiving families. My wife feels like she knows the subjects of the books.

Something like that lasts beyond digital or analog medium. It is something you can pickup, read and put down. Like other posters, for your children, you may want to preserve those memories, thoughts and feelings in a timeless way.

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