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Comment Re:I wish slashdot had... (Score 1) 789

I guess the problem with this, though, is that grammar rules must reflect the reality in which the language is used. You could say that "less" is used to imply "less of" or a similar construction, and just saying "less" is entirely understandable. Enough people say "less" as a synonym for "fewer" in that context that the 'grammar' of what 'looks right' to the person writing it has now been altered so that saying "less polls about cars" seems perfectly acceptable to most (except those who would prefer everybody wrote and spoke in the same way and that language would never change). Prescriptive grammar is futile.

Submission + - P != NP 1

morsch writes: "Researcher Vinay Deolalikar from HP Labs claims proof that P != NP. The 100 page paper has apparently not been peer-reviewed yet, so feel free to dig in and find some flaws. However, the attempt seems to be genuine, and Deolalikar has published papers in the same field in the past. So this may be the real thing! Given that one million USD prize money from the Millenium Prize is involved, it will certainly get enough scrutiny. Greg Baker broke the story on his blog, including the email Deolalikar sent around."

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