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Comment Planning to do the same for earlier age (Score 1) 462

That's a great idea, too many people know how to use computers, as per your current ICT program, but don't really understand them. I was planning to start with a PC building workshop, because it's easier to relate what you learn to a physical object. Bringing a dismantled cheap PC, showing around the components and explaining their role, then building the PC together. Building a modded custom PC would be even better, with a laser-etched logo of the school on the side panel and a good paint job. I don't think you can convey the same notions or expect kids to memorize them if you are using only textbooks.

Then start on the software part, showing the need for higher level languages than binary and 8086 machine languages (start with the usual joke "there are 10 types of people, those who understand binary, and those who don't").

Your ICT program seems to leave out programming completely, so introducing algorithms and programming concepts would be great indeed. The Towers of Hanoi is for instance a classical fun puzzle to solve via software and introduce recursivity. Or the Urinal Problem! ^-^ Again, applied learning might work better than just theoretical notions. Kids at your school would probably have many ideas of small applications that are feasible to develop within a year. Or take inspiration from movies, for instance try to reproduce the school grade hacking in War Games.

The way you're concerned with ICT learning, I'm sure we'll soon see even better generations of Indian IT engineers soon!

Comment Great and cool idea to share a talk or a drink (Score 1) 253

It needs some motion detectors on both sides to start the video call automatically when both sides are active and you're set.
The Asus AiGuru SV1T just wouldn't work for this purpose, you need a real screen and good sound so that any member of the family can approach the screen and start speaking to dad or dad speaks to the family, no handheld device.
You can use the remote monitor to leave text, audio or video messages visible to the whole family, or use it for any normal "kitchen" use, such as Internet recipe lookup, shopping lists, tasklists, digital post-its, online radio, music, TV, you can even use it at the office during the lunch break, etc. Sounds like there is a potential for a great app.

I don't see anything creepy with this kind of application, and you can always stop the program if necessary, or mute the sound on any side.
The only "creepy" thing is that most people talk to the screen, not the camera, so until some manufacturer comes with a monitor with a camera embedded within the screen, you will always have this unfocused side look that is slightly creepy when you talk to a person.


Girl Quits On Dry Erase Board a Hoax 147

suraj.sun writes "It's the same old story: young woman quits, uses dry erase board and series of pictures to let entire office know the boss is a sexist pig, exposes his love of playing FarmVille during work hours." Story seem too good to be true? It probably is, at least according to writer Peter Kafka. Even so, Jay Leno and Good Morning America have already reached out to "Jenny."

Comment iPhone 4 antenna problem fixed!!! (Score 1) 374

Yeah! I knew there had to be a simple solution to the antenna problem: No more signal dropping for me since Papermaster was fired!
Just don't hold your iPhone the way Apple held to Papermaster and you'll be fine.
I was in a dilemma: Should I download more signal or an iBumper? No need now, Steve Jobs fixed it again!

Comment Inventorize and prevent (Score 1) 825

First place to start is listing the stuff you own. I have mine on a Google Docs spreadsheet, with tabs to categorize it. I can access it even if my computer gets stolen.
This will be useful for the insurance. Insurance won't replace anything, just pay you some, so prevention and common sense is really the key:
Securing the points of entrance, adding deterrents such as cameras and sirens, neighborhood watch, random lights and music, not publishing when you're going to vacations in the social sites, having your mail redirected or picked up, having a large mailbox big enough for parcels, automated shutters, etc.

Store your documents offline, like a scan of your passport and important papers. Digitalize as much as you can: I have ripped all my CDs and have a backup at my family's. I started ripping my DVDs too, although it's too big for backups. But at least I won't lose too much if someone steals my CDs or DVDs. Try to rip the most valuable ones, or the rarest.

It's really too bad that with all the technology around, there is no world standard for home automation and security.
It makes the whole thing far too complex to setup for the average joe.

Lol at all those who keep repeating dogs and guns, like the former is an option in an apartment, or like the latter is useful when you're away to anything else but getting your gun stolen too.

Comment Re:CDW, Newegg, etc (Score 1) 420

I suppose you are referring to the Seagate Barracuda 1.5 and 2TB disks built in China which experience all of DOA, infant and teenage mortality.

The ones built in Taiwan, especially the enterprise-level XT version with 64MB of cache don't have this problem. Interesting customer comments on newegg about this issue. That 2TB drive is twice more expensive at $200, but that's still 12 times cheaper than the $650-700 required for a 500-600GB SAS or SSD drive.

RAID 10? I wouldn't use anything less safe than RAID 6/60 for my precious data. Hot spares are great and work fine for RAID 5/50, I am still trying to find out if Adaptec RAID controllers manage hot spares in RAID 6/60. They are less important since RAID 6 allows 2 simultaneous drive failures, but still, at a cost of only a $200 disk, it saves a lot of technician time.

Comment Re:IT Department Pricing to You, not TCO to Compan (Score 1) 420

* Sorry, "Adaptec", not "Adapter"

They actually have only 2-3 such boards, so we're not there yet. You don't need SSD disks for the caching, the cache is on board, but I just checked, it's a ridiculous 4GB for an extra $330 compared to the non-SSD cache model. So it's more like $83/GB.

4GB is what you get on hybrid SATA/SSD disks, so I guess it is not adequate for a RAID controller that can handle 256 disks.

I've read some people are starting to mix SATA and SSD: SATA arrays for backups, documents storage, etc., and SSD arrays for high IOpS data such as database read/write transactions.

Since SAS and SSD disks are basically the same price, $1.2/GB for SAS and $1.4/GB for SSD, with SSD prices dropping continuously, no mechanical parts, pure NAND memory speed, mixing SATA and SSD arrays makes sense, and you can drop global storage prices a lot with the SATA arrays.

Still, the lack of SATA III controllers, the small size of the SSD cache, and the few glitches with SSD drives after many write operations would make me wait until these issues are resolved.

SAS is doomed!

Comment Re:CDW, Newegg, etc (Score 1) 420

Wow, where do you come up with $8.6/GB?
Hitachi's 300GB SAS disks are about $350, so that's $1.2/GB raw.

If you are talking usable space, say you have 10 disks per shelf combined in RAID 6, that's 7 usable disks, 2 for data parity, 1 as hot spare. Add another shelf for backup, that's still only $3.3/GB with RAID redundancy, backup and hot spares (probably removing another $19.5/GB from the lines for backup disk, DR backup disk, DR disk, DR backup disk, and the tapes, that really don't scale for big datacenter. $3500/TB tape "software"?

SATA III enterprise-level disks have the same 64MB cache as SAS disks and will probably have about the same IOPS once SATA III RAID controllers come along, plus controllers already use SSD caching for even better performance, so the cost of the same configuration as above is only $0.2/GB, for 14TB of usable space in 1 shelf, compared to 2.1TB with the Hitachi SAS disks.

Now that SSD is starting to mature, I think SAS SANs are doomed. SAS will never reach the same performance and reliability as SSD (no mechanical parts) for the same price. Even now, SSD raw disk cost is $1.4/GB ($700/512GB) compared to SAS $1.2/GB.

Comment Re:Here is 67 Terabytes for $7867 (Score 1) 420

It's $11K for 90TB using 2TB disks at $200 each.
More like $40-50K with power, human resources and real estate included.
You need 11 of these to make 1PB, about $120K for the hardware, $0.5M everything included, 12 cents/GB for the hardware only indeed, but 50 cents/GB all included.

@zonky, it's raw storage prices but the cost will not change because of network or backup. If you want these figures, consider that you don't have 11 usable enclosures, but 2 sets of 5 mirrored enclosures or 3 sets of 3-4 main, mirror, and backup enclosures for the same price/TB.
Power for 1PB costs less than $4K/year at 11 cents/WH for the disks only, the servers probably add $2K, and you need only minimal A/C in this range.

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