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Comment Re:Frogs (Score 1) 314

Robert Rapier's a pretty solid researcher in energy matters, and not the type to whitewash topics like these, which got him branded as a shill for Big Oil (he's ex Conoco-Phillips) when he began writing about peak oil. On that particular subject he's been really on the money - he envisioned what he termed "Peak Lite" back in 2006, which means no actual decline in overall supply but little in the way of actual gains and persistent high prices, which is what has actually transpired in the intervening years. This won him no favors with types who latched on to the whole peak oil subject as a pretext for imminent collapse of civilization, of course.

Comment "basic work processor" (Score 1) 34

Probably a typo, but just as readily sounds like one of his coinages.

I often think back to an interview or article where, in re: Schismatrix, Bruce said he was no longer bothering to set stories in outer space, as, contrary to most people's expectations, you could conjure up just as weird or weirder scenarios in a place like Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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