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Comment I used it all the time and I'm sad to see it go (Score 1) 432

I can't tell you how often I would have had buyers remorse if I paid for an app that I tried first through installous. I see it so often in the reviews of so many apps, people regretting their decision, or demanding their money back. For me, it helped ensure that the developers who did a good job got paid, and those that put out a poor or deceptive product got squat. I'll be looking for a replacement...

Comment Hi there, I've published on the Dead Sea Scrolls (Score 5, Informative) 202

I also have a Master's degree in New Testament and Early Christianity from Harvard where I spent a lot of time studying them as well. I thought I would just repost what I did last year when slashdot ran an almost identical story. The questions that seem to arise when something like this is posted are perennial so I hope this answers some of yours or clarifies some things, and, as before, feel free to ask any questions you might have and I'll do my best to give a scholarly answer:

It's taken this long to publish partly for bureaucratic reasons, but mostly because there are thousands of fragments that are basically shredded wheat that had to be put back together, reconstructed, translated, categorized, edited, and published. This was also around the time the State of Israel was formed, and the cluster**** that was caused a lot of delays and red tape.They have not been kept secret, they have been steadily published in the DJD series (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert) for the last 50 years as this tremendous task has been accomplished. As someone said above, yes people were not very careful with them by today's standards, people smoked around them, drank coffee, and used the handiest invention that had just come out-"scotch tape"- to piece them together. All that said, with the exception of fragments in private collections, the last of the Dead Sea Scrolls were published in the early 90's.

This is not publishing anything new, or secret. It is being scanned and put online for the public, who doesn't have a clue what to do with them, can look at them. Scholars have known how to look at them, in the DJD, and in a half a dozen other widely available publications that have been around for decades.

Facts the dilettantes have said in these comments that have made me [face_palm]:
The Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS hereafter) were composed in Qumran, not Jerusalem. (some of the stuff is clearly copies of other documents that circulated elsewhere however)
The Qumran community responsible for the scrolls existed between the 2nd century BCE and ca 70CE during the Roman war.
There is nothing in the DSS about Jesus
There are, however, certain strong affinities between things we find in the DSS and the New Testament, including the method of scripture interpretation, some apocalyptic ideas, as well as the stuff you would expect people with the same basic religion, ethnicity and geography to share
There is nothing damaging or threatening to the modern religions of Judaism and Christianity. To be sure, the DSS are of tremendous importance for contextualizing their origin and telling us what life was like back then, but this is not a conspiracy to keep them hidden.

Comment I've been abusing them responsibly for years (Score 1) 487

I don't do any illegal drugs, I've never smoked marijuana or cigarettes, but I do use Ritalin both for stress and when I need to be productive. There aren't any side effects unless you abuse it. Frankly, it's a drug I'd like to see "abused" more, considering it's effects are essentially the opposite of marijuana's, it makes you productive and want to work!!!

Comment How are you qualified to discuss religion? (Score 1) 1142

Your credentials as an evolutionary biologist are beyond question, but with so many renowned scholars that have PhDs in religion, including atheists, why should anyone listen to to what you say about religion any more than they should listen to what someone with a PhD in religion has to say about evolutionary biology?

MTS Harvard Divinity School

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