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Submission + - Oz.Dems Announce new Technoclgy Policy Coordinator

downundarob writes: The Australian Democrats have announced a new Technology Policy Coordinator, Anti-Clean Feed Campaigner Geordie Guy. Currently a board member of Electronic Frontiers Australia, Mr Guy has been an active figure in the fight against internet censorship — the so-called 'Clean Feed' — proposed by the Rudd Government. He is a computer systems architect with a decade of experience working with business and people in the IT industry itself as well as other markets and a qualified network engineer.

Comment Re:Bastards! (Score 1) 562

I have a 1024STe and an 1024STfm for sale (plus a coloUr and mono monitor) designed for 240Volts.

Was working when they were last used.

In original boxes.

Based in Australia, email me if our interested.


Submission + - tells parents they too st00pid for intarweb

downundarob writes: Senator Nick Minchin , the Australian Shadow Minister for broadband, communications and the digital economy, has written (or more likely a staffer has written) this interesting article on the Australian Federal Governments continued zeal to enforce ISP level filtering in Australia. In the article he posits "Underlying the Rudd Government's plan to screen the internet is an offensive message: that parents cannot be trusted to mind their children online.". Meanwhile, we wait for filtering trials to start, trials that have been delayed and which have next-to-no support among the industry. Telstra BigPond — Australia's largest ISP — has refused to take part, comparing internet filtering to "like trying to boil the ocean". The third largest, iiNet, is prepared to participate to highlight flaws.

Comment happy customer (Score 1) 601 for webbified access to the email, and for a basic hosting service has worked for me for many years.

[disclaimer: I have no commercial affiliation with these people, I am a satisfied customer]


Submission + - finding a 'good' and 'helpful' shoutcast host

downundarob writes: "I'm looking after the audio streaming for a local speedway racing circuit, so over the last few weekes I've been looking for a shoutcast hosting service to suit my needs. Easy you think? It doesnt seem that way! Last season the system was designed in a hurry and utilised WinMedia, thus cutting off those who couldn't avail themselves of it, so this year I thought I would go with Shoutcast/Icecast for mp3/ogg streaming, and to top it off would use the Java applet available from Javazoom the problem being that java security requires the applet to be hosted within the same domain as the stream originates from and the webhost provider doesnt do shoutcast. Do you think I can find a shoutcast hosting provider that hosts this file? The guys at Server Room claim to support it, but their support service tells me its a 'plugin I have to install on my machine' and when I point out the error of their ways simply stop responding to the chat. So I'm still looking for a shoutcast (or Icecast) hosting provider that will assist in the hosting of this file. Any takers?"

Submission + - The Woz says, Aussie broadband plans 'Adequate'.

downundarob writes: In a story here Steve Wozniak has described the targeted data transmission speeds of Australia's national broadband network as "adequate... though not ultimate". One of the cornerstones of the Federal Government's election platform was its AU$4.7 billion (about US$4.39 trillion) pledge to rollout a fibre-to-the-node national broadband network. This would bring speeds of at least 12 megabits per second (Mbps) to 98 per cent of the population.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
