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Intel's Wine-Powered Microprocessor 126

angry tapir writes "In a new twist on strange brew, an Intel engineer has showed off a project using wine to power a microprocessor. The engineer poured red wine into a glass containing circuitry on two metal boards during a keynote by Genevieve Bell, Intel fellow, at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco. Once the red wine hit the metal, the microprocessor on a circuit board powered up. The low-power microprocessor then ran a graphics program on a computer with an e-ink display."

Comment Re:Don't fly. (Score 4, Insightful) 1233

Yeah, that right there, that's the reason why the TSA still exists. You're unwilling to inconvenience yourself. None of you are.

I haven't flown in 11 years, and I routinely encourage others not to. Not for personal, not for business. Not at all.

I routinely drive 200-500 mile round trips because I won't advocate a pat down or a naked picture. Not of my wife, my children, or even myself. It is an unacceptable term of flying.

Don't tell me that I'm not willing to inconvenience myself sir, I find it repugnant, and offensive - and I have put my money where my mouth is.

Comment Alternative for Users (Score 3, Informative) 93

If you're a user of The Old Reader wondering if you really have to go back to Feedly - the answer is no, you don't. Head on over to http://www.inoreader.com/ and feel welcomed by the superb developers/support crew that are more than happy to take your feedback to create a better product.

Nobody should have to stay through a series of "We're quitting! Wait... Maybe ... No ... If only... Probably... Flip a coin" announcements about whether or not they can continue to use their RSS reader.

Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with InoReader other than being a happy user.

Comment Re:Amateur Hobbyists (Score 3, Informative) 93

I was on The Old Reader around the same time period as you, but didn't stick through it.

The main reason though was that I wasn't really a fan of the "Old" Google Reader. I liked the "New" Google Reader better, so when I found InoReader http://www.inoreader.com/ - I was thrilled.

InoReader is also kind of a hobby project for someone, but has far fewer downtime issues than TOR, open sign up all the time, has issued a Google Reader-compatible API, and has a very responsive and helpful development/support crew.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated at all with InoReader, other than being a happy user. You might like to give it a try and see if it is for you too.

Comment Re:Feeling old... (Score 2) 192

Fully realizing that someone will trump this with something akin to a 300baud modem ...


You're not old unless you had to go to the store to buy 100 3.5" floppies so that you could download the 76 1.44MB individual disk images over your 14.4k modem connection, rawrite them one at a time, and then spend the afternoon swapping disks as you waited apprehensively for the # prompt of your new slackware installation. Only to have to start again after disk x26 because disk x26 had a bad sector and failed a CRC check, and gosh darn it but you only had one computer so you need to boot back into windows to create a new disk x26. And start the disk swapping again.

Yeah... those were the days.

Comment Re:Wait to see what you need based on use. (Score 5, Interesting) 770

Unfortunately a lot of the time insurance claims don't work this way. I had a lightning strike recently that took out 90% of my electronics.

My policy was "new for old", but until I bought the "new", I received only the depreciated value of the "old".

If it were only this, I would still advocate your strategy, however there was also a 6 month time limit to purchase the "new", send receipts in, and get reimbursed for the depreciation.

Long story short - you may lose out on a lot of money if you don't replace that stuff now.

Comment Re:Foul mouthed AI? (Score 1) 310

If you think "bite my shiny ass" is the worst Watson could have gotten up to, and you aren't weak of stomach ... I suggest* that you should visit UrbanDictionary.com and start with a few choice** selections such as:

1. The Alabama Hotpocket
2. The Chili Dog
3. Space Docking
4. The Alaskan Snowdragon

A few hours wiki walk later, and you will almost certainly be asking for the same treatment Watson got.

* violently oppose
** Gut-wrenching, vomit-inducing, etc

Comment Re:a new connection format (Score 2) 72

You're proposing to plug the mouse and keyboard into the TV .... instead of the stick? It sounds like you want to have the TV act as a KVM switch, which seems a bit odd unless you plan on having multiple sticks installed... I'm guessing you're in the very far minority that would want that.

Aside from that, TVs really do need a new connector. HDMI already supports full HD, 7.1 audio, ethernet, and CEC. There's enough there to let the stick control the TV, and get network service from the TV.

The power want is pretty reasonable in the general case, and I've wondered about it in the past... but do take a closer look at this stick in particular. It wants power from a 5V micro-usb. If your TV has a USB port for firmware updates, it can probably already power the thing. For TV's manufactured in the last 5 years, the odds are pretty likely.


Comment This is what it takes to get in the news? (Score 4, Insightful) 81

Step 1. Buy a Chromebook
Step 2. Use ChromeOS for half a day.
Step 3. Follows instructions you got from SOMEONE ELSE (a Google-employed developer, at that) on how to load openSUSE onto a Chromebook.
Step 4. Enjoy being on slashdot front page getting credit for what someone else told you how to do.


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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
