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Comment Re:Fire-Resistant Safe (Score 1) 446

/ANYTHING/ can be drilled.

Even diamond.

Maybe not conventionally with a high-speed-steel drill bit, but yes, holes are drilled even in diamonds every day.

If something is conductive, it can be wire-EDM drilled no matter how hard it is. If not, it can be lasered or waterjet cut. There is more to drilling than the twist drill in your Makita cordless drill.


Comment Re:Everyone loves taxes (Score 2) 173

YOU can't be taken seriously because most of us out here know what $1TRILLION could have done for infrastructure and education. But no, we've got flag-waving racist imbeciles like you who want to piss it all away on odious shit, like killing brown people, and politicians who will pander to them and suck the cocks of the military industrial complex.

What you don't get is that you've been pick-pocketed to kill people.

Just shut the fuck up.


Comment Oh god the stupid... (Score 4, Interesting) 489

I went to Sperry's twitter page.

The amount of Libertarian derp is stunning.

Didn't bother with the other author.

Title II is in effect because the ISPs decided to not play nice with their customers. If everyone liked Comcast, for example, instead of calling it the absolute worst company in customer service, we would never be here.

The days of the mom-and-pop ISP with direct personal service and "organic growth" of the Internet has been over for more than a decade. And what has taken their places are large customer-fucking entities with abysmal customer service and that absolutely refuse to upgrade infrastructure but instead put caps on use to deal with the demand. And for that they demand ever higher payment. This is after we threw billions at them to install last-mile fiber that they never installed, but instead handed out to the shareholders.

In the People's Libertarian Paradise of Concord, NH, we have exactly *two* "broadband" providers, both of which suck massively, one of which doesn't even offer broadband as currently defined (=>25Mbps). Comcast and Fairpoint (unfairpoint, fairly bad point, etc)

That's why we are here. This is "why we can't have nice things."

Screw both of these guys and Reason magazine too. If not outright corporate shills, they are at least useful idiots.

Quislings come in all forms.


Comment Re:Easier to Destroy than Create (Score 1) 146

The struggle now is how to keep people from destroying things. FireFox is a disaster. Gnome is useless. Seems like people take over these projects and tear them to pieces.

I don't think the Open Source community is entirely free of the Peter Principle and politics for all the talk of meritocracy and organic growth. Especially when we have companies that subvert those goals for their own agenda despite their original lofty goals at founding.


Comment Re:A hit-piece of a submission... (Score 1) 157

Contracts are only valid when both parties negotiate on good faith and without undue pressure.

Contracts are also only valid when they're enforceable.

Without any power behind a contract (i.e., some sort of laws and force of government, e.g., regulations), contracts are nothing more than "damn pieces of paper" and your "word," whatever that is at the time.

This is where the libertarian fantasy drives off a cliff - that we can have contracts without The Man.

That only worked when your tribe was > 300 people and you could do ad-hoc "trial by combat."


Comment Re:A hit-piece of a submission... (Score 4, Insightful) 157

Woosh... xOra's point was, government's intervention causes harm.

And what you don't get is not whether government regulation is a bad or good thing, but what kind of effort do we put into *good* governance. You know, like what everyone else on the planet does, from countries to corporations. Ever hear about "corporate governance"? Ever think of countries as just large corporations? It's an over-simplification (by far) but I think it's the only way to illustrate the "all regulation is bad" idea as lunacy.

The way broadband is sold in this country, the legality of what ISPs do in their contracts are just shy of outright fraud.

But hey, all regulation is bad.

You people want to toss out everything and leave anarchy behind. Forget about good governance, let's just have more burning rivers, consumer fraud, and land-grabs using private armies.


Comment Re:Beware Rust, Go, and D. (Score 1) 223

So much shilling in one post.

>uttering C++ and C# in the same sentence as if they are equivalent

Just... no.

>no need for other languages

Uh huh.

It seriously sounds like you've got only two tools in your toolbox and are looking at the guy with the loaded Gerstner box and telling him all those things are useless, which as a machinist and toolmaker, I have to say that you're delusional.

There is room in the world for C, Lisp, Go, Rust, COBOL, C#, and literal jokes like Brainfuck. Because no one language is perfect for all use cases.


Comment Re:Mamangement (Score 4, Funny) 290

An Easter Egg, in the construction sense that you describe, would be more like the time a construction crew opened up the wall in my apartment to fix a leak in a pipe and found a lunchbox that someone left behind when the building was built in 1928 with a note inside reading "Hello."

Sometimes it's a singing frog.

Don't bother trying to put the frog on Broadway, though.


Comment Re:Capitalism works...again (Score 3, Informative) 208

Capitalism works. Competition works.

Monopolies are bad.

For some reason there are a lot of so-called "conservatives" that think that monopolies are "good" and "natural" and think that breaking them up is somehow bad. ISPs are monopolies in many areas. There /isn't/ any competition.

Monopolies aren't capitalism. They are rent-seeking.


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