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Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 909

This only true in a very limited micro processor. Working with 16 bit you might have to be careful, I guess. Once you are working with 32bit integers this is not an issue and if it is use 64. There is not really any benefit to using floating point here just pick a good "unit", say 1/32", to work from.
Most modern processors are as fast at multiplication and addition and some are faster in cases.

Comment Re:256 is not enough (Score 1) 125

Its not the desktop environment its just that browsers even with a few tabs open would like about 300Mb to function properly.
Chose a lighter weight browser or get aggressive with cutting back your browsers memory usage.
Both Debian and Arch's minimum requirements are 64Mb and you should be able to get it using less.

Comment Re:How is AI on the list? (Score 1) 274

Work in a more general case than what the designer had accounted (accidentally or purposely) for.

It was rushed but my point was the people who wrote your "general purpose machine learning code" accounted for different various types of input by using what i would guess to be an adaptive filter or you accidentally did by using the GPML code. I guess you could argue whether or not you are the sole designer of your AI.

Try this for what it really means:
As far as I can tell from skimming it no one has any solid proof that it can exist.

Comment Re:How is AI on the list? (Score 1) 274

Your using general purpose machine learning code it was designed to allow you to do this. It probably has a decent adaptive filter integrated into it, this would allow it adjust, try feeding ROT13 or something that does not have real integer readings. The person who wrote the code programed it, you are just changing the numbers in the memory inside it.

Please stop using SF handwaving, it does not help the credibility or your first paragraph. There is a large gap between "fuzzy logic adaptive filters" and actually rising up against humans. Only seen the movie.

Comment Re:How is AI on the list? (Score 1) 274

Machine intelligence is already running large portions of the western economy, deciding how best to sell you stuff you don't need, and figuring out who needs to be assassinated.

Could any of these AI's do the others job or anything other than what it it wasn't designed to do. They are just making decisions based on code written by humans because humans aren’t good enough to make in the given time.

What exactly do you want as demonstrating general AI "to any degree?"

Work in a more general case than what the designer had accounted (accidentally or purposely) for.
If you change the AIs inputs and outputs in a way not accounted for it will break and the AIs goal is not going to magically change to something different what it set to.

Comment Re:How is AI on the list? (Score 1) 274

But you made a boo boo in your pattern recognition code, or your training failed to include a crucial example, and the robots launch on each other when they shouldn't have. Hello Skynet.

How is that skynet? Its missing the most important parts and this could happen and has already been avoided with humans.

They are talking about AGI (something no one has manage to demonstrate to any degree) not some AI failing to achieve what it was designed to do. They are two very different ideas and latter could cause some damage.

Comment Re:How is AI on the list? (Score 3, Interesting) 274

Dangerous, yes. A persistent remotely sentient threat to humanity, not a chance.

Maybe in the next 30 years they would make a military coup easier by allowing a smaller portion of military to be successful but that's still not likely.

The only risk AI on these pose is as they get more firepower there is a greater risk of large casualties if the AI fails (false positive). I defiantly agree that the other 3 are real threats and this one just for the press coverage and so some phds or potential undergrads can have some fun with hypothetical war gaming.

Comment Re:Shallow research (Score 1) 203

Of course you can't get do it scientifically your population is your sample group and the movies are not the same as last year.
The only way to look at these thing is just though the numbers.

The other conclusion could be that movies were less desirable to see this year or that the avengers was so disable it effected other ticket sales.

Comment Re:Thats got to be wrong... (Score 1) 168

It provides an incentive for the service provider to provide their stated uptime.
I know as the customer they will be working hard to ensure they keep their service up so they make a profit for the year. Also, I know if it goes down some of my losses will be covered.
The alternative is best effort where the only power I would have is to move to another company. If I was to pay them extra I would not be able to ensure they were putting in any extra effort to maximize up-time, without going though the hassle and inefficiency of making a contract of the kinds of redundancy i want giving the provider no flexibility.

$3000 is not that much to a corporation that needs reliability, employing someone extra and buying the hardware would not even be close.

Comment Re:Thats got to be wrong... (Score 1) 168

No application i can think of needs 5 nines which could by why it something like this remains so expensive.
If only say 1000 companies need this service then 3M a year in revenue is pretty terrible when you consider the costs of providing this service, the insurance can't be cheap.

QOS in terms of availability is mostly just marketing hype

Not when compensation is specified in the contract.

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