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Comment Utilizing My First Amendment Rights (Score 1) 379

I think the TSA is the most inefficient, invasive non-federal, federal, organization I have ever encountered this side of the rest of the government. I despise all things TSA. Do not get me wrong. Security is important, but this 'indicator' is BS and only intended to intimidate JOE Air Traveler from complaining about the Invasive Full Body Scan or Pat Down. Amongst The Plethora Of Other Issues One Encounters Whilst Trying To Travel. Any "Terrorist" worth their salt is going to know PRECISELY WHAT TO DO to NOT be detected. This pathetic excuse for Airport Security that is the TSA is not going to thwart any serious terrorist threat/plot. That is all.

Comment Re:The Democratic Logo Says It All (Score 1) 705

Going to answer both those replies with one. To by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 13, @08:30AM (#35806262): I wouldn't be caught dead listening to RUSH, but NPR proves daily just how imbecilic both major parties are. This discussion simply revolved around something a democrat said that I disagree with. Also, in order for you to know that that was something Rush might say that must indicate you listen to him to know what it is he would say yes? To by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 13, @12:54PM (#35809574): In fact my wife has called me the democratic mascot on more than one occasion as have others. I sincerely doubt they were referring to it politically however.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 705

I sincerely disagree, incompetent individuals being elected by uninformed individuals, that is the cause of the many states floundering in debt. There need not be a new tax in place, if they were not spending increasingly more money every year. When you have federal organizations, who could easily make do with less budget and in fact end the year with a surplus (rather would end the year with a surplus) they will go on an end of the year spending spree to ensure they get equal to or greater than the same budget next year. The horrid state and federal debt is caused by greed, ignorance, and the inability to properly manage what the individuals we elect are entrusted with.

Comment You misunderstand! (Score 1) 343

He said that Google Said That "..the apps in question No Not appear to violate these policies.." Which is a double negative, which in turn means Google is going to pull the app right? RIGHT?

Lol, but seriously, how many DRUNKS, I mean genuinely DRUNK Drunks, do you know who can even use their cell phone whilst inebriated? Let alone operate an app that helps them avoid DUI Check Points?

I do not, nor shall I EVER, condone Driving While Impaired. However, I think a lot of people misunderstand the significance of this post. The point is that Google did not bend to the will of the Government and preserved the rights of the developer. I am proud of them for this move. Though the application is incredibly useless, people die from various means every single day. It is not important what the application is or is not for. It is important that Google did not give in to the Government Request and continue to set incredibly dangerous, and freedom reducing precedents.

Comment Clear Cut Case Of .... (Score 1) 433


The fact that the researcher lost their job, should not have prompted them to pursue the blogger, rather they should have pursued the establishment that "released" them.

The only reason the researcher should have been let go in the first place, due to their fraudulent mortgage, would be if they were skewing the data in some fashion so as to make it unreliable, or un-empirical.

I sincerely believe this is a repercussion or such organizations as WikiLeaks and clearly demonstrates their effects on individuals who do not know how to think for themselves.

The charges against this individual should certainly be dropped on appeal.

That is, however, merely my opinion.

Comment My $0.02 (Score 1) 210

I personally believe that, "Yes, we should have the right, no the means, to be 'forgotten'/'vanish' from the World Wide Network".

That said, given the number of bots roaming around the internet collecting data, how possible is that? I can think of a few methods that one might employ, and some extensions to common protocols that might better facilitate, the removal of your "presence" from the internet. However, the sure volume of data, and number of times it is cached, or mirrored every day, the potential for open standards, and the ability to create one's own personal networks, offline media such as CDs, USB Keys, Hard Drives, Floppies (Yes Some Still Use Them), Tapes, etc. Make the removal of data from this vast expanse of bits virtually impossibe

To the historical question, what of historical importance, is there about my self? True that I am a male person, who lived in the united states between the year I was born and now. That data is available through public records, and I have been counted in the census. Data that is truly important, will find it's way into a book or file somewhere (the electronic kind or otherwise). That coupled with the copious misrepresented and erroneous data on the World Wide Network, makes the larger percentage of the datum fairly ambiguous and of little use. The are obvious, concerted, efforts to maintain repositories of useful , accurate, data, historical or otherwise. However, the open and diverse nature of the users of said network make those efforts difficult.
Just my two cents.

Comment I think they've gone off the deep end. (Score 1) 742

I recently entered into a cable contract so that I could watch Sci-Fi (I won't use the new name). So far I am incredibly disillusioned. *starts singing* "Where oh where can my Sci-Fi Be...The Executives took her AWAY FROM ME!..." But seriously, Face Off, Being Human, Face Off, Being Human... 2am Highlander....6am Paid Program ... (Ok, so it may not always be precisely that...but it is close). On the weekend I definitely don't need to wake up early, last weekend "Paid Program" was on until 9 AM! I am incredibly disappointed.

Comment Curious (Score 1) 209

I find it interesting that this post ever had to exist in the first place. What, would possess anyone to even consider requesting that information in the first place? Those comments about being a security test, I could see that to an extent. I think, that a wise would be employee, should reverse the questions and in the spirit of openness and trust request the facebook login username and password of the individual requesting theirs. Alas, then they would both be in violation of the TOS and since this post is about "...Facebook Password Requests Suspended..." that it is a a moot point anyhow, I suppose.

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