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Submission + - Fair use wins this round (eff.org)

whitesea writes: Finally! A judge who actually understands where the copyright comes from. This judge in the Nevada federal district court based his decision on whether use of the copyright by a notorious copyright Righthaven follows the intention of Constitution Article 8. Article 8 lists the powers of Congress and, in particular, states"The Congress shall have Power ...
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
The judge concluded that the Righthaven's use of copyright does nothing to encourage and protect creativity and, actually, has a chilling effect. Then, taking into account the way the non-profit used the article and other circumstances, the judge concluded that in this case the fair use exception did apply and found for the non-profit. We need more such judges, with a brain and capable of reading and understanding classical texts. Go read the detals at https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/03/fair-use-win-righthaven-case and enjoy your day.

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