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Comment Re:Uh oh. (Score 5, Insightful) 423

I was on a jury once and was pleasantly surprised at my fellow jurors' intelligence. Everybody there seemed interested in following the process correctly and to the best of our ability. Our discussions were insightful and I feel the experience was a very valuable one for me.

Comment Re:Alternative improvement idea (Score 1) 163

So instead of shaking down small business for $50 (or $500 or whatever) for a cert we now shake them down for 5 times that instead? If the CA aren't doing their jobs I'm pretty sure we shouldn't reward them by require requiring companies to hire them five times instead of just once.

Comment Yo Dawg (Score 2) 156

They should put a little USB port on this display mouse, where you can plug in another mouse, to control a little pointer on host mouse's display, as an alternative to using it as a touch screen.

Yo dawg, I heard yo' liked scrollin' so I got yo' mouse a mouse so now yo' can scroll, while yo' scroll.

Comment Re:HOV is for CONGESTION not for ENVIRONMENT (Score 2) 384

Umm... HOV lanes increase congestion by reducing the number of available lanes for most drivers while rewarding the environmentally conscious ones with a special no/limited congestion lane. If you go to and scroll down to High Occupancy Vehicle Exemption Proposed Rule you may notice that it's the EPAs website and that it talks about pollution not congestion. I am curious to know where your idea that it was about congestion came from though.

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