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Comment Re:Whoever is responsible for this article (Score 3, Insightful) 1258

They should study to see if athiests are lacking an intuitive thinking.

I'd be interested in such a study as well, though I predict an opposite result. There is no evidence God does not exist, just as there is no evidence he does exist; therefore, atheism requires just as much faith as any other religion.

Comment Re:MIT License, not GPL (Score 1) 204

Whoops. Should have read the next sentence on the front page of

The core of the Julia implementation is licensed under the MIT license. Various libraries used by the Julia environment include their own licenses such as the GPL, LGPL, and BSD (therefore the environment, which consists of the language, user interfaces, and libraries, is under the GPL).

Comment Re:Go has some good ideas (Score 1) 186

So the issue of canonical brace style and automatic semi-colon insertion kind of go hand in hand. If you know you're going to have a canonical brace style, then choose the one that allows you to simplify the rules of the automatic semi-colon insertion and allows easy line-at-a-time parsing for interactive implementations.

Comment Re:Added value of Go? (Score 1) 186

I suppose I can respect that you don't think it's a problem worth solving. But I think that if you're going through all the trouble of designing a new language, you might as well fix as many problems as you can, no matter how small. Certainly compound declarations with function pointers are complex, but I think the ability to read the declaration from left to right is a major improvement over the Clockwise-Spiral Rule of C.

Comment Re:Added value of Go? (Score 1) 186

The syntax is obviously C-inspired, but with some changes, many of which seemed like experimentation -- doing something different just because it's different. Although I don't object to the philosophy, I'd like to see how those changes work out before investing a lot of time into them. In particular, the declaration syntax feels very strange to people who are used to C-style languages.

Perhaps this section of the FAQ might be useful in explaining some of those changes. Another page explaining the declaration syntax in particular can be found here.

Comment Re:Go has some good ideas (Score 1) 186

Really... *nobody* cares what style *you* prefer.

The most important person who cares what style he prefers is him. Really, that's all that matters.

Every person who ever reads your code disagrees. Programming is not a solitary activity.

I'm sure a smart preprocessor could deal with many indent styles just fine, but what's scary is when the language developers say, "here is how you will use our language." Because other people always find more clever things to do with flexible languages than the designers intended.

How does having a canonical brace format in any way limit what you are able to do with the language?

As mentioned below, in the Go community there isn't much discussion of formatting. If you prefer a technical reason, then the canon format can be easily enforced using the "go fmt" command. Using a separate brace style means you must either manually enforce it, or fork gofmt and make the changes yourself. In the end, is it really worth the extra effort?

Comment Dependency Management (Score 1) 186

One thing I'd like to add that most people miss is that the language was designed for easy dependency management, and it's built into the go tool. For instance, if you download library A that depends on library B that you don't have installed, when you build library A the tools will download, install, and build library B automatically.

Comment Re:Not that far-fetched, actually (Score 2) 483

Imagine you're watching a really good movie and your parents tell you to switch it off halfway through. Wouldn't you be angry? That has nothing to do with addiction.

Of course, the real problem with this statement is video games are much longer than movies. Zelda games can last 50 hours or more, depending on completion and whether you've played the game before or not. It's certainly not healthy to play games like that in a single sitting (this coming from a guy who played Mass Effect 2 in a single 24-hour session).

But the problem is not that you take away their super powers or anything like that, it's a bit more basic: They just want to know how the story ends! With games like Wii Sports and Mario Kart, the "stories" only last a few minutes, at which point it's easy to break away from the game.

Of course, game developers aren't stupid. Most games of the length of Zelda and Final Fantasy aren't written such that they have to be played in one sitting. The real trick, of course, is that you, as a parent, have to be able to find points in the story to switch off the game. This is not something you can do unless you are very familiar with the game itself, so my suggestion is this: Watch your child play the games. You don't have to watch every second; if you have a laptop you could get some work done during battles and puzzles and stuff like that. The point is to follow the story and find the best point to say "okay, that's enough for today" rather than just limiting it to half an hour a day.

Comment Re:Compatibility or conversion (Score 1) 274

Don't expect me to port existing code to your new language. Either make it compatible - i.e. an old language with new features - or provide me with an automated conversion tool.

One of Go's advantages are the features deliberately left out of the language, such as the typical class hierarchy, multiple inheritance, and operator overloading. Similar to conditional compilation in C, those features, while useful, are too easy to abuse and make code harder to read in the long run. So the Go devs left them out. You can't do something like that and keep backwards compatibility.

If backwards compatibility was necessary for a successful language, then every new language would C++.

Comment Re:Triangle Panties (Score 1) 241

K = 1/2 * m * v^2 (kinetic energy; integral of momentum with respect to velocity)

x = 1/2 * a * t^2 (position from acceleration; integral of velocity w.r.t. time)

U = 1/2 * k * x^2 (potential energy of a spring; integral of force w.r.t. distance)

E = 1/2 * C * V^2 (energy stored in a capacitor; integral of charge w.r.t. voltage)

E = 1/2 * L * I^2 (energy stored in an inductor; integral of voltage w.r.t. current)

A = 1/2 * tau* r^2 (area of a circle, integral of circumference w.r.t. radius)

Changing the formula actually brings it into line with the others. This is explained in both the "Pi is Wrong!" article and the Tau Manifesto.

As for spheres, remember that the volume of a sphere is 2/3 of that of a circumscribed cylinder. The volume of said cylinder is 1/2 * tau * r^2 * 2 * r = tau * r^3. The tau formula clearly shows this relationship, while the pi formula obfuscates it.

Comment Re:TFA: Nobody fired for buying IBM (Score 2) 119

The Australian Government should surely be looking at, for instance, how much of the decoration and formatting, how much of the Powerpoint, are actually wasted effort.

Almost all of it. The entire purpose of typesetting systems such as (La)TeX is to make it so the users didn't have to worry about such things.

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