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Comment Re:Stamps are still necessary out here in the stic (Score 1) 297

I'll second this. I use Bank of America and I can pay anyone that has a mailing address. I set up all my payments to go out automatically via their online banking system. The ones that have electronic delivery go that way, otherwise they print a check and mail it on my behalf. They also accept e-bills from many companies so I don't have to receive paper bills in the mail.

It's super convenient, and free. I can't believe people still spend time every month "paying the bills".

Comment Re:Unfortunate (Score 1) 800

Ticket scalping isn't exactly a proper analogy either. There's a limited number of tickets to an event, so someone snapping them all up and then selling them for a profit means that some people aren't going to be able to go. The scarcity of tickets is the issue.

There's an unlimited amount of domain names, however, so there's no scarcity in that sense. It really is more like real estate...there's plenty to go around, but if you can snap up the "best" properties early, then you stand to make a profit. If someone doesn't want to pay, there's always other real estate to purchase, although it might not be as nice.

It's not even as serious as real estate squatting, since, as an earlier poster pointed out, a good domain name is becoming less and less important since most people are just going to type search terms into google and find your site that way. I rarely remember URLs anymore, but instead remember the search terms that I used to find a particular page.

Comment Re:I have a bad feeling about this (Score 1) 288

The problem with Active Desktop wasn't the Javascript language, it was the mixing of the OS and the Browser and the security problems that came from that mixing. Javascript had nothing to do with it; in fact, many of the malware related to ActiveDesktop was written with VBScript, not JS.

The article is talking about using Javascript as a scripting language to help build GTK applications. This is no different than using any other scripting language, such as Perl or Python. Just because it's Javascript doesn't mean it has anything to do with a web browser or the DOM.

Comment Re:$4 for gas, come on (Score 1) 1563

I built my country wrong? I was born in 1983, so the country was already built wrong by the time I came around.

I agree, that the US was designed with the assumption that cheap fuel was going to last forever and that only now are we realizing the errors of that assumption. Hopefully higher gas prices will lead to better investment in public transport and less urban/suburban sprawl as people move back into cities. However, for now, things are as they are. I'm not saying that all the "whiners" are completely in the right (all the people who bought huge SUVs that get 15MPG brought the situation on themselves).

All I'm saying is that I wish you would try to realize the situation "on the ground" so to speak in the US and that the rise in fuel costs is really hitting alot of people HARD.

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