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Comment The sad truth (Score 1) 106

The saddest part about your personal information--your privacy--being bought and sold by third parties is that it is not, actually, worth very much. The way corporations like Google or Facebook make it worthwhile is they sell TENS OF MILLIONS of potential customers at a time. Even if one did take control of the market for their own personal info how much do you think you could make? A few cents a transaction maybe? A couple of bucks tops if you're in a really coveted demographic? The true amount is probably a fraction of a fraction of cent. Worth it?

Comment Too many X students; not enough X jobs (Score 5, Insightful) 226

This is true for most professions today in the U.S.. When the U.S. exported its manufacturing industry, vaporizing millions of well-paying blue collar jobs in the U.S., the middle class was told that these jobs would be replaced by even higher paying white collar or "creative" jobs for everyone--you just had to educate yourself. Well, people listened, and they educated themselves, and now they're finding out that they were sold a big fat bucket of bullshit. Just ask any recent law grad, or architecture grad, or marketing grad, or, yeah, bio-med grad. There just aren't enough of these professional jobs to replace the ones we've lost. There never was and there never will be.

Comment Let's Ban Thunder As Well (Score 1) 409

Let's ban thunder and lightning as well, because this also scares the bejeezus out of animals. Hell, while we're at it, let's also ban predators, because NOTHING scares an animal more than being lunch. Fact is, most wild animals live in a perpetual state of horror. That's why they run away whenever you try to pet them.

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