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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 1 accepted (6 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - AZ Allows Concealed Carry w/o Traning or Permit (

DIplomatic writes: The Wild West is about to get wilder — on Thursday, Arizona will join Alaska and Vermont as one of the states with the country's most liberal gun laws.
Senate Bill 1108 removes the requirement that gun owners must be trained and licensed to carry a concealed weapon.
DPS spokesman Bart Graves said the agency expects a decrease in applications for concealed-weapons permits once the law goes into effect. But he, along with many supporters of the new law, said he hopes people who want to carry weapons will still seek out some form of training.
Josh Katz, owner of The Armory on Pima, says he supports the new law because it strengthens the Second Amendment. But he urges people to get education and training in the use of their guns and their rights and legal responsibilities as gun owners.
"Let me be clear — I'm not opposed," he said. "The law passing is good, but people need to have some of the education involved in training for the license to carry concealed."

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