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Comment Analog vs Digital (Score 1) 141

Truly this isnt very surprising. Analog computing has been around a lot longer than digital and for certain things is far superior (read faster). Forcing things into a digital mold just "because" is a terrible mistake. Certain pieces of military hardware that I used to work with were analog and probably still are, it gives a "good enough" answer and does it orders of magnitude faster than equivalent digital devices.

Comment Re:Printable version - All on one page (Score 1) 394

Second the motion... And to further exacerbate the problem, "managers" only count dollars they can see, as in wages. So paying a skilled programmer that has "already been there done that, not going to make those mistakes again", is out of the question. Not saying there aren't good programmers coming out of school, but they haven't learned some of the basics of programming no matter how hard their teachers may have tried to drill it in. I have been a "hacker" since the 80s and still remember the console message from the IT manager "shut your program down, you're killing the mainframe..." This still happens every day to lots of new programmers while the experienced, skilled programmers become consultants called in only at the last minute to solve the problems caused by aforesaid manager for obscene amounts of money....wait what am I complaining about, I are one of those!

Comment Congressmen and the Constitution (Score 1) 300

'...the First Amendment was not intended as a shield for those who steal, irrespective of the means.' Let us try this again...the First Amendment makes no mention of stealing or being a shield for those who steal. It is quite simple really, CONGRESS (emphasis mine) shall make no law....the rest is pretty straightforward. I would venture that the honourable Congressman Leahy needs to be recalled by his constituents since he obviously has NO clue as to the meaning of the Constitution and therefore cannot be entrusted to represent the great state of Delaware adequately. As for Mr Pisano, well look here the pot is calling the kettle black.....

Comment Five times the US almost (not) nuked itself (Score 1) 384

Sorry folks, but "nuking" oneself is not as easy as this article tries to make it sound. If you define "nuking" as meaning setting off a Nuclear explosion rather than just making a radioactive mess of the area. All these accidents would never have resulted in the detonation of a nuclear device. At the very worst, detonating the conventional explosions by ANY method except the devices triggering mechanism would simply scatter radioactive debris for a few hundred yards. It is HARD to create a nuclear explosion. If it was as easy as this author tries to have you believe, Iran would have had the bomb in 1969.....

Comment Re:Sony Playstation Phone = No Sale (Score 1) 182

Yes, actually I do. My comment was meant to point out that by buying this product and thereby accepting Sony's assertion of rights over something that is "yours" we are encouraging the demise of our rights by establishing precedent. If your "need" for that console is so great that you are willing to bargain away your ownership of said property then when they decide they also own your television, your microwave and your car... Well, just remember, I told you so.

Comment More than Facebook (Score 1) 448

From reports I have been seeing, there are widespread outages and disconnects in a variety of sites. Many games are failing to maintain stable connections. Lots of different sites are failing to load or loading very slowly. I don't think this is just a Facebook issue.

Submission + - No, you don't get a choice

NonSenseAgency writes: During a recent automatic update of Firefox to 3.6 the installer performed a routine check and determined that the Flash software on the computer was out of date. It then displayed a page with appropriate links to take you to Adobe to install the appropriate Flash software. After clicking the usual accept button I notice that it was installing McAffee Security Scan Plus, WITHOUT asking....

Even though the computer was running a current antivirus program, it was never possible to choose NOT to install McAfee. Now I have to go to the trouble of removing it or risk it bungling up the AV program that is there. Thanks Adobe.

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