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Comment A lot of internet privacy issues are etiquette (Score 2) 35

And, etiquette hasn't caught up with technology. Filming people getting drunk at your party and posting the pics on Facebook is bad etiquette, but people haven't figured that out yet because the technology is cool and new. People down to their core haven't figured out that what you post on Facebook isn't just shared with your trusted friends, but is now indexed and associated with you forever. That's OK for older guys like me who have some understanding of the repercussions, but what about kids who haven't figured it out yet? I was on Yahoo answers trying to talk a teenage girl out of sexting her BF because she assumed that he had no way to rebroadcast the pics from his phone!

Once people figure out the importance of internet privacy via the outlets they control, they'll start to associate the effects of privacy on other sources holding their personal information. Once that happens, I think we'll start to see improvement all around as public pressure still does affect change.

Comment Re:Snowden broke the law; so "fair" is moot (Score 0) 519

I don't know why you dumb down the whole story to "OMG he leaked gud stuff!" Did you read my post? My point is (using your analogy) he exceeded simple jaywalking to report a crime. He picked the locks on random cars on the way in and reported the contents of gloveboxes. He broke into the cop's patrol car and broadcast the officer's notes on an ongoing investigation.

Comment Snowden broke the law; so "fair" is moot (Score -1) 519

However you feel about Snowden this isn't debatable. And, he's basically pissed away the whistleblower defense by breaking the leaker's code (make all your evidence publicly available to all members of the media, discriminating in what information you leak to focus on wrongdoing by your government, and attempting to reduce "harm"). So, regardless of fairness he'd be accepting the reality of a long jail term if he comes back to the US.

Comment Why is Eliot Rogers being turned into an idea? (Score 1) 1198

He's one nutjob who had mental issues. I don't ascribe anything in his story to male-female relations in general. I got through about 10 seconds of his rant and couldn't tolerate his smug entitlement. Lots of people have dating problems. Very few of them write manifestos and even fewer start killing.

Comment We HAVE to have a la carte! (Score 1) 340

It'll stop the ESPNs and CNNs from extorting cable providers. ESPN charges a BOATLOAD for licensing because they know that cable providers can't risk losing the 33% or so of their base for whom that would be a showstopper. Now, if we have a la carte, do you think that 1/3 of the customer base will pay 3 times as much each for ESPN (that would probably be about $25/month) to maintain pricing parity? NO!

It'll also eliminate the garbage channel suites (with clones repeating the same content) as well has putting pressure on content providers to produce stuff we want to see. I really don't give a damn if 50% of channels go away since we're not watching that filler anyway!

Comment Re:Is technology making restaurants obsolete? (Score 1) 137

Interesting point, but quality isn't the only part of the dining experience. There's the service, people watching, having a night out, etc.

That being said, if I could replicate meals that I know are simple yet I don't have the recipes for (e.g. the Thai "fast food" place on the other side of town), I would probably *never* go there again because of the inconvenience.

Comment Re:Episode II (Score 3, Insightful) 457

I actually liked the prequels ,as do a lot of fans. Some of them are so revisionist they'll try to claim they didn't like some of the *originals* now. Honestly, take out Jar Jar and the TPM is my 2nd favorite. Take out the terribly-acted romantic scenes by Christensen, and the prequels are on a par with the originals, for me.

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