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Comment Re:Shocking (Score 3, Informative) 360

They do 100% the opposite of what the draft "standard" says...

"A user agent must have a default tracking preference of unset (not enabled) unless a specific tracking preference is implied by the decision to use that agent. For example, use of a general-purpose browser would not imply a tracking preference when invoked normally as "SuperFred", but might imply a preference if invoked as 'SuperDoNotTrack' or 'UltraPrivacyFred'."

IE 10 does not imply a tracking preference.

To be fair this was changed recently, but on the other hand Microsoft has had plenty of time to change the default setting. The could have the browser start the first time on a page that let's the user change the setting and be complaint.

Comment Re:Yeah like, (Score 1) 143

Bigger screen? I'd lay them out side by side and eyeball it.
Faster chips? I'd run the same apps side by side and wall time them, or I would use a benchmark tool (subject to gaming by companies though).
New camera? I'd take the a number of pictures with both and compare them,

Nothing too hard... how would you fail to tell?

Comment Re:Not really fragmentation (Score 1) 244

Yet I now have to code differently for the screen sizes, to the point that apps look differently on the different phones. Look at the iPad -vs- iPhone calendar for example. I am not sure that people will design apps for 4S and earlier different than 5 and later, but it is possible. Of course developers can always cheap out and just let the letter boxing happen. Until we start seeing how developers react to the new screen size we won't know for sure.

Comment Re:First my beloved Viper fighter, now this (Score 1) 820

Neither a 9 month old or a 2 year old should have access to them. Someone got me a set recently, my child would have been 8 or 9 at the time. I wasn't really happy about having them after reading the warning on the box. I played with them, he watched. He was allowed to play with them under supervision. Once they were forgotten about they went away and haven't come out since (except just now to check the warning on the box).

They are not sold as kids toys, go and read the website. I don't know where you would find them, I haven't seen them in Toys R Us for example.

If a parent chooses to buy a toy, marketed as an adult desktop toy, and they leave them where a young child has access to them it is clearly not the fault of the manufacturer.

It is too bad the manufacturer or the government cannot sue stupid people.

Also, how is it that an adult toy can get banned, but when a child of, say 5 years old, finds a loaded gun in their house and takes it to school and shoots another 5 year old with it there isn't a banning of guns? Neither the toy or the gun are marketed to children, and both can cause injury if used improperly.

Comment Re:Hey Apple (Score 1) 377

How many TVs are simply branded differently as well though (same for microwaves etc...)? One manufacturer makes the product for multiple companies that stick their logos on it.

I was on our local rapid transit the other day and I looked at all of the phones around me for the 30 minute trip in rush hour. There were a few phones that I could not tell if they were iPhones or a Samsung phone. This was within 2 meters of me. A good example of why it was hard to tell was the square box in the home button. I honestly do not know if Apple "created" that look or not, but if they did then it is pretty clear in conjunction with the shape, the silver bezel etc... that Samsugn is/was trying to make an iPhone look alike.

What possible motivation would Samsung have for making an iPhone look alike?

Comment Re:Political correctness in action (Score 1) 409

"Then we decided we couldn't force people into quarantine to ensure they got proper treatment and to prevent the spread of such a readily transmissible disease"


"But don't worry, this is all the evil Republican's fault. ObamaCare^WTax will fix all these problems."

Welcome to the Nanny State?

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