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Comment Re:Way to be Timely... (Score 1, Troll) 661

Way to be timely Slashdot - AppleInsider has already reported that the story is bunk.

No. AppleInsider has reported Apple claims the story is bunk. That's very different. Appleinsider makes no claim one way or the other, they're just reporting the company's press release.

It's good to see the Reality Distortion Field is still working.

Comment Re:Congress: The New Superhero! (Score 4, Insightful) 257

Dr. Wertham is just an early predecessor to Jack Thompson. These idiots think that anything they don't understand or enjoy should be banned because "clearly it has no moral value". It's a myopic view of art and entertainment that would lead to everyone buying and enjoying the exact same things....

I take a possibly more cynical view that like so many other politicians, pundits and activists, their "cause" is nothing but a horse they've hitched their career cart to.

Comment Re:Seems about right (Score 1) 281

ISPs don't owe you anything you haven't paid for at the price they are willing to sell to you. Nor do they owe it to Netflix to deliver their content.

The issue is you haven't got a choice. Well, you've got Bell or Rogers, but both have monopolies on their respective cables, and any competition is buying bandwidth from them. Ultimately, they set the rules no matter your ISP.

If you want IP service to be a utility where the public helps set the rates then get your local government to provide it under a public utility district or something.

I'd like a pony, too. By what magic wand should this happen? The best case would be the local gov't leases from the Big Two, just like all the other middle-man ISPs. If you think a local-level government has any leverage or regulating ability over Bell or Rogers, then you're remarkably naive.

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