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Submission + - The Cross-Site Request Forgery FAQ

An anonymous reader writes: "Cross-site Request Forgery (also known as XSRF, CSRF, and Cross Site Reference Forgery) works by exploiting the trust that a site has for the user. Site tasks are usually linked to specific urls allowing specific actions to be performed when requested. If a user is logged into the site and an attacker tricks their browser into making a request to one of these task urls, then the task is performed and logged as the logged in user.

Submission + - MSN hacker gets 27 months jail

Jerry Macorny writes: A 24-year-old undergraduate was sentenced to 27 months in prison for stealing the instant messenger identities of several women and blackmailing one. He also doctored pictures of some of the women, superimposing their heads on naked bodies and threatened to make public the image of one victim if she refused to send photos of her breasts.

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Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
