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Comment Re:Something broken doesn't mean evolution (Score -1) 267

I define the definitions so that we all speak the same language. If you asked me did I believe that creatures changed i would say yes. But you will take that as yes to evolution.

A clear definition is required because at the moment evolution is thought of as "things changing". But this concept of what evolution is, is so broad that it will make me an evolutionist.
Heres the problem, Evolution takes the best of natural selection and mutations into itself and claim it has it's own. I.e. you see fenches in the geloipus islands with there difference beaks so evolution is true. So most people dont see is that evolution takes a truth (NS & Mutations) and then mixes in a lie of pure fantasy. It's a bait and switch.

Hence be defining what evolution is, which is separate from it's underlying theories, i hope to show to you the fallacy of it while maintining true "operational" science. Basically sperating the myths and lies from the truth.

So hence for the purpose to facilitate this conversation, I define evolution as which you can understand which is what it is being allocated as doing without it steal away from real theories.

So I dont mean to be rude but speak my language please. because your beliefs are in a theory that claims alot and uses deceit to pull of the magic of it and until we understand each others point view clearly, we would just get no where.

Comment Re:So selection is accepted by creationists? (Score -1) 267

I am a creationist. We know mutations happen. To you will need to prove that mutations are good. I purpose you walk into the fukushima plant and just stand there for 30 mins. Once you turn green when ever you get anger, you will have proved me wrong.

But if you get sick from liver failures, and pass on cancers to your childern's childrens children, then I will be proven right.

The problem with mutations is that they cause damage to a working function. There are 10,000 known mutations that causes cancers, tumours, and blood diseces, and only a hand full of mutations that are beneficial (all of them breaking a working function which doesn't show evolution).

If you want to believe in evolution, please know the facts before blindly believing in the impossible and then making fun of people of different views than yours.

Comment Re:Something broken doesn't mean evolution (Score -1) 267

Natural Selection (and maybe mutations) are the main methods for new species.
(Definitions: Species: are creatures who dont bread with each other
                      Kind: Not sure how to describe it, basically how you classify something to a 8yr old, (dog, fish, horse) )

These fish are the same "Kind", Fish, theses are still the same "Species".
A "Kind" contains lots of variations within itself (DNA) where the creature can be fine tune to the enviroment. That process called natural selection.

An example of this is Dogs and Wolfs. Chiwawas and great danes come of wolfs. The Wolf had the information for all these species within the K9 "Kind" The Chiawawas and great danes are different species but they are all dogs, but the Chiawawa & GD are more specified than the wolf meaning you can't get the wolf from the chiawawa, but you can get the chiawawa from the wolf. So a more specified (selected) creature doesn't show evolution, as it shows a decrease in the variation of the host. It is not evolved because it has less variations (hence harder to adapt to new enviroments) than the parent kind.

In the fish, the Mutated fish grow slower and is only found near the hudson where it's mutation gives a better advantage than the flaws it brings. Each is better suited to its enviroment. But having something broken is not a sign a evolution. evolution (Goo to you via zoo) needs increases in structures and features, not things breaking.

Lets do a car analogy, I took a brick, though it in your car window, it is now smashed up so you can't see, you will now have to drive slower and so you now dont skid as much. this only works in snowy (PCB) areas but it shows your car has evolved by having a smashed up window. I bet you wont thank anyone that tests that out. But this is the BS that gets passed as evolution all the time. Something that breaks doesn't show evolution. Something that changes doesn't show evolution (according to how lazy you define evolution). Only new features could explain Evolution which this case doesn't show. PCB resistances via broken genes I argue isn't a "new feature", but a smashed window.

Things we agree on?
      Each fish are better suited to it's environment.

things we dont agree on:
      These mutations dont show evolution (things breaking dont show "Goo to you via zoo" evolution)
      The hudson fish are "weaker" because they can't survive in the wild (as good as others)
      Evolution causes "specification/speciation". The theory of Evol is not needed for speciation. NS & Mutations do that already.

So my remark stands that claiming that a gene broken is "evolution" (goo to you type) is bad science.
(Please dont try to argue that simply changing is evolution, as no creationist argues that creatures change. Natural Selection & Mutations are real science that can be observed in the lab and repeated, for ~400 years. The "goo to you via zoo" version of "evolution" is not observable and makes no predictions. See the great dawkins being stump when ask what causes evolution (play the video) )

Comment Something broken doesn't mean evolution (Score -1) 267

What bad science. This is just another article pushing evolution as the theory of how everything works.

I read about these fish about a 2 weeks ago, Here a link to a online version if you want to read it.

Basically the fish are an example of mutations and natural selection. The damage genes in the fish make it better suited to it's environment but it doesn't show it getting more complex, actually the opposite, a weaker fish. But you dont get published without towing the line of Evolution.
Notice how the mutations are limited to the Hudson area. The fish are less fit than the wild fish in the oceans.

(I define evolution as change going up hill, or as to quote a catch parse, "goo to you via zoo". I do not defined it as "things changes", as Natural Selection & Mutations cover that area already.)

Of course I will be modded down as always, I just thought that a different view should be presented, take it or leave it, its up to you.

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

Your views: I am an animal and to all purposes a "monkey". There is nothing wrong in killing a monkey or pig, enslaving horses and sheep, or fellow humans.

And how does evolution reach that conclusion?

It teaches it by saying survival of the fittest. if an animal can kill another animal, and we are only animal then logically there is nothing wrong in it.

My view is that when evolution has been misused as a rationalization for murder and genocide, the abuser has in additional made the claim that they are somehow better than the other class of humans.

It's very easy to "misuse" evolution as it's logical conclusion is just that view point. Charles thought niggers were more like apes, and whites where more evolved than blacks. This is why evol isn't an inert idea. It is the building block of your entire world view. Who are you, what you are worth, what you can do to others. It wasn't until operational science of DNA proved otherwise.

There is an exceptionalism that allows them to rationalize the murder of those they wish while simultaneously preserving their own status among the living.

Yeah, it's an easy jump depending on your world view.

Even the Israelis have in the Bible misused their perceived status as special people of God to kill rival peoples.

I assumed you are talking about when the Jews crossed over to Israel. I am a bit weak in the theory of this area but to what I can recall about this history is that land was reserved for the Jews. Satan knowing that the "Christ" was promised to come from the line of Abraham (Jews) setup several populations in the area. Note that when the Moses told 12 jew to cross the river and check out the land, 2 reported it was ripe for the taking, 10 reported that there were giants in the land. The nephilim where around before the flood, they were gaints (about 1.5 story house) and they where the cross breed between a angle (fallen angel) and a woman. The flood killed all the Nephilims. The giants in the land was just another attempt to thawt God's plan. Hence God said to kill theses people as they were the mortal enemies of the jews.
Now when the Jews where taking city and after city the neighbours took noticed of theses Jews taking all the citys to the south so this one city send 3 officials to go out and talk to the Jews and make a deal with them. The jews came across these 3 people saying they where from a far away city far up north, they where walking for many days to get here and so they offered a peice deal with the jews. The leader thought that this city was too far away (weeks away) so they made a piece tearty with them. The Jews then found the city was just over the hill!. lol, they were tricked but God would keep there promised so that city was speared.

Many generations later, a king of israel when and kill some of the men of that city. That caused a 7yr drought on the land, the jews asked, etf why is there a drought, God said your king killed some of these people. The end result of the king's own sons being put to death and left rotting on the hill side.

Abio can't explain anything. the more it tries the more you relieased Life only comes from life. The more real you get, the impossible it becomes. hence an evolutionist needs faith that this happen because they know it's impossible. Go ahead, look at the chemistry experaments, They can now produce, in only 12 steps each being carefully filtered, 2 types of amino acids for RNA. (what a joke.)

I find it interesting that you claim that God cannot create life via the mechanism of abiogenesis. Perhaps you ought to tell him more of what he can or cannot do.

You dont at all find it odd that you try to use a theory that doesn't use God at all? And the only reason to include God is because it's chemically and phyiscally / statistically impossible for it to happen. Perhaps you should listen to him explain how he started life fully formed and functional from the begining. I.e., Adam having 2 eyes, 2 hears, 1 heart, etc... As you like to make things (I assume) wouldn't God make something a little more complex than goo then left it hanging around?. He would be smart enought to create nano scaled factoies that can self assemble, fellowing a computer program design to replicate after it's own kind. Software so advanced it can generate nanobots to check it's own code, and create other nano bots to repair it, another nanobot to read it's information which is the universes most effectint storing of data, which is round up on a moter which is reving away at ~7000 rpm with clutch and gears to control it's speed. (Sounds impressive but we barely scratched the surface of how complex the cell is)
So if you were very smart, would you show it off like that?

Your describing phenomenons which operational science has know for 100s of years. you dont need god's will to try to envoke something that will just happen. God establishs the laws of the universe, although hes known in history to interfere with them (miracles), its an error to say it's his will for something to happen. Sometimes shit happens, and thats not God's (willing) will. It would be like saying it's my will that people walk by outside on the street, wither I want too or not, it's still going to happen.

Oh look. Once again you are telling God what he can and cannot do.

God said he did A to show off his stuff. Your saying God did B which doesn't even use/need God at all. I think I will believe what God saids.

You have label evolution as a organizer again. You have failed in each posting to explain how evolution can gain information.

I explained here how evolution can gain information, even to the point of quantifying the extent to which information can be gained from a selection event. You do not get to be right here.

And as I have said these do not work together. If your reffering to the jet/piston engine, you wil need to explain where the Jet parts come from.
If your refering to this p_A/p_B paragraph, you have described natural selection, you will need to explain how B came about. If it's already in the gene pool, then it's not "evolution" just change with the kind. i.e. Natural Selection. For it to show of evolution (in the increasing complexity type) you will need to show how a trait B came about with it's encoding is not in the gene pool which can jump over the problem of it being fully form from the firrst mutation, otherwise it will be selected against. Your example has already pre-included the very information that "evol" was to create. It's would be like me boiling an organge juice just to prove that vitiam C evolved in OJ. the problem is the Vit C is already in the glass. hence boiling it only shows whats already there so nothing as been added.

And God said how he did things, we can try to gain understanding as much as we can but making stuff up is something we christains wont do. hence we believe in the operational sciences showing NS, Mutations, Specializations, but evolution isn't observed, isn't proven, and goes against eye witness accounts of what really happened hence it's rejected.

And when the physical world disagrees with you on how God did things, who should we listen to? A fallible human who wants God to work in certain very limited ways? Or God himself, who has left his signature on every living thing?

lol, I am assuming you are trying to use that paragraph against me. We should take what God has said as the truth and not try to add our own fallible ideas in. I dont take everything the "world" tries to offer because we are fallible and so get things wrong, especially when it contradicts God.
Now why did I lol, just then, because of this quiestion below:
But now, I ask you, what happens when the physical world disagrees with your view that God did it with evolution? e.g. abio doesn't work.
You rewrite what God has said to fit in with your theology of evolution. "God did it!. otherwise it couldn't happen." God dam your worst than the "Christians",

You do not know what weakness is.

Umm, thanks. (But I assume that shouldn't be taken as complement :-D )
There are 2 camps, the atheists and creationists, they have oppositie views because one rejects God and one accepts God. If you try to to mix inbetween you will either be a compromised creationist believing that God did something other than what he said he did, made everything to suffer in pain for the hell of it, and basically undermine the thing he claims to believe in the first place.
the athiest if he said God did it, is well, crasy for pampering to creationists and lacking true conviction in his stated beliefs. Or doesn't know how to explain why things are the way they are while still determined to believe something the science rejects. e.g. abio, and how information gotin the cell..

I am using your arguments against yourself.

Maybe I should of explained in more detail why saying God did evolution is a contradiction and therefor is not a strong argument point or world believe system. As the two "thoeries" are mutally exclusive. Just read anything by Dawkins or david attenborough quick youtbue link These evolutionists do not want God.

Here's the thing that you don't get. You are a blasphemer. You also bear false witness by telling me how God works, when with simple effort, I can see for myself that God does not work in the way that you say he does. It is a fundamental irreverence to God and his works.

Lol, I never thought I would get told that. God said he did by creating fully function creatures, not bearly working goo. With simple effort, can you not see how NS removes information? with simple effort can you not see mutations as being very very bad? You seem to think they produce working structures when they *never do.
*never == they break things which can be better for the host, but actually creating a new structure is never seen.
So where is this observation of increased information, come on, bateria evols so much, breeding every 20mins, which all the mutations and them becoming resistance to many antibonics, you would think many many evolutionists would declear from the roof tops that evolution is happening there, but they can't because new structures are not being generated. Only changes in the structure (Which is bibical, i.e. They produce after there own kind).

I find it astoundingly arrogant that someone can claim to know the workings of an all powerful, all knowing being yet fail to use their gifts of intelligence and perception to see for themselves how God really works. How about you look for yourself at what God has done and how he works rather than tell me (and God) how he works.

i can't quite get over the laughing, sorry... This is a very weird position to be in. Normally the "bible thumper" would be the one saying to the athists/evolutionist that they were a blasphemer because they dare change the story of how God created things. This is a wierd conversation.

How did I blaspheme? I am the one who says God did it his way. I am not the one saying God did it my way.
Who are you to believe in God? If you believe in evolution, you are a naturalist, i.e. only the physical world exists, there is not supernatural. Do you say there is God? under what grounds do you make that statement?

Now to challenge your point above, I declear the following:
      1 - God did it like he said in the Bible. i.e. He created fully functional creatures, i.e. better than modern day creatures because they decayed since the start.
      2 - If God is smart, he would create a wonderfully complex thing showing beauty and elegance.
                - Spinning moters that spin at 100,000 rpm, can stop and change directions in just a quarter turn and is the "worlds" most efficient engine,
                - Self correcting/repairing/overlapping binary computer code.
                - Worlds most compact library.
                - Structures with magnetic functionality
                - Power generators that converts protons (not electrons) and ADT into APT which is the power currency needed by every cell used in many operations.
                - Walking Nano robots that literary Walks inside the cell on top roads bringing a sack full of proteins for more building inside.
                - A gate locking mechanism to keep out junk and keep in internal machinery. (Viruses get in by keying in the locks where they are then convoyed over with helper bots to in inner core because they thought they were needed stuff. )
              these were beyond anyones imagination 50 years agos. and theres shit loads to learn still.
      3 - Observations using observed/proven physical phenomenons declare that creatures are wonderfully designed.,
                  NS & Mutations show things are getting more specified and are getting worst. i.e. they are sliding downhill from an uphill position.
                  (It's God permissive will that mutations happen. (basically shit happens because the world has been cursed.))
                  (Theres nothing wrong with NS.)
      4 - It's chemically impossible for life to start by itself
                    It is a fallacy to state God did something just so that your theory can survive? I thought you were suppose to be "scientific" a.k.a naturist.
                    This is an issue only because evolution demands abio.
                    This is all established science.

So do you see the hypocrisy where you dont like how I use science to prove how evol can not work, how abio can't happen, yet you still maintain that it's a fact???? Why do you declare that God did abio? Why would he do something which ultimately denies his very handy work? You are forced into that position because you assume as a prior that evolution is correct (somehow against the evidence). this evolution belief steams from a believe that to be scientific you have to be a naturalist which ultimately denies God's very existence.

May I ask you what is the consequences of believing God created Humans fully/whole/ perfectly and then mutations started to add disease to us. without trying to add the unsupported belief in evol into it?
What does the evidence support? magical abio without a God, (abio & evolution is naturalism) evolution without God is a prior. Or genisis, God created a fully functional system in it's entirery without letter mutations drag it down and without letting NS the filter out the whole range of diversity.

What is your world view?
    naturism? (only the physical exists)
    evolution-ism - believe that everything self assemble.
    it isn't creationism.

Also why couldn't Dawkins answer the interviewer? "Are there any evidence of evolution happening?"

good night

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

It's not made out of whole cloth, but based on what we actually see in nature. Further, the theory of evolution doesn't preclude a creator who intentionally uses evolution as their means of biological creation. A "creator line of thinking" is neither required nor rejected.

It is fundamentally opposed to any creator. There is no need for God in evolution.

On matters of physical theory and evidence, you have the possibility of being right. On this matter of logic, you do not. Theories do not have a need for anything, they are merely inert ideas.

On this matter we will just have to agree to disagree. This theory is not an inert idea, it is the basis of the building blocks of your entire world view. this one point will effect how you measure yourself and other people around you.
For example,
      Your views: I am an animal and to all purposes a "monkey". There is nothing wrong in killing a monkey or pig, enslaving horses and sheep, or fellow humans. Germans fell for the view the jews where not true humans but less evolved sub humans (just like black people). There is no right or wrong, as they are only chemicals in your brain, there is no logic you can use to say stealing is wrong as you would then be trying to force your morals onto me. hence might is right. You entire existence is a mistake of nature on it's way to something better. (somehow, you still havn't told how yet.)

    My views: I am a creature created in the image of God. I have a soul and I am above the animals in the world. I have a purpose (basically to entertain God), and I have a intrinsic value attached to me because I am human. All humans are made in the image of God so everyone has a significants attached to them. I am also flawed and done wrong, but I was also brought and saved from my wrongness with a large price. Hence I know I am deeply valued. I view the world as decaying away, as the evidence with NS & Mutations shows as observed.

Second, this is the sort of nonsense that eventually destroyed Islamic culture as a reasoning culture. They got a 13th century religious nut that decided no theory was valid, if it didn't elevate God to the level of prime mover. For example, Ghazali claimed that all causal events were the result of direct intervention by God. These events only seemed have a pattern because God's will is rational and consistent.

Islam is evil. Please dont try to drag this conversation into that direction unless you read up the history is islam (see if you really want to know more about it)

But even if the assertion above is completely true, it still doesn't mean that theories explaining how God's will operates to us have to require God or even are capable of requiring God. Ghazali excluded any attempt at physical theory which didn't evoke God, but he never had a good reason for doing so.

But let's rephrase evolution so that it meets your sensibilities.

Ok, lets try

God created the universe and its laws.


He also created life on a planet called Earth through some mechanism which is beyond the scope of evolution

He spoke them into existence, Since the universe is a digital simulation, (computer program/ a thought of God maybe?) That would be possible then.

(but not beyond the scope of a theory called "abiogenesis") to explain.

Abio can't explain anything. the more it tries the more you relieased Life only comes from life. The more real you get, the impossible it becomes. hence an evolutionist needs faith that this happen because they know it's impossible. Go ahead, look at the chemistry experaments, They can now produce, in only 12 steps each being carefully filtered, 2 types of amino acids for RNA. (what a joke.)

Once that was done.

(faith again)

, his will moved physical reality so that life evolved, that is.

faith again that God will support a theory that rejects him in the first place. Dont try to pamper to a creationist, either be a 100% evolutionist or 100% creationist, anything in-between just makes you look weak.

, it experienced traits which could and were passed on to descendants via reproduction (inheritance of traits). His will made replication of genes imperfect (mutation)..

Your describing phenomenons which operational science has know for 100s of years. you dont need god's will to try to envoke something that will just happen. God establishs the laws of the universe, although hes known in history to interfere with them (miracles), its an error to say it's his will for something to happen. Sometimes shit happens, and thats not God's (willing) will. It would be like saying it's my will that people walk by outside on the street, wither I want too or not, it's still going to happen.

And his infinite wisdom provided adversity against which life strove and prevailed (selection)..

Not according to the Jedo/christain God. Life has been going down hill ever since the curse. In the past we lived for much much longer.

The three aspects worked together through the laws he set up to be described as "evolution" by primitive intelligences of his making.

And of course in the Christian world, we owe science to our fore fathers who were christains who believed that God created a orderly universe and we were to dominate it.

It's the same theory, we just made it "need" God.

Does that address your concern? Or are you more interested in, oh, telling God how he really did things to think about it?

You have label evolution as a organizer again. You have failed in each posting to explain how evolution can gain information. You keep saying it is some voodoo magic form a series of proven phenomenon that operation science shows, but you havn't explained how. With the car example, how did the jet parts get there? With the signal example how to you overcome the protocol limitations.

And God said how he did things, we can try to gain understanding as much as we can but making stuff up is something we christains wont do. hence we believe in the operational sciences showing NS, Mutations, Specializations, but evolution isn't observed, isn't proven, and goes against eye witness accounts of what really happened hence it's rejected.

So dont try to give me the "gap" theory because it wont work on me. p.s. Can you explain how information is added? As Dawkins can't. NS doesn't do it, Mutations dont do it (not observed anyway, but not impossible, but for all purposes it doesn't.), so tell me how. When you combine them you get NS trying to fight off the mutations trying desperately to keep the spices alive and not sliding down into a genitic drift of bad mutations that build up.

So tell me how without waving a magic wand saying they do it combination?
Gotta go, wife wants me.

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

Arghh!!!, all the parts of the engine are involved in the motion of the machine!!!
We were talking about a "process/theory" in the above. Not something real and works ;-) like a mechanical machine!.

Don't know why you're frustrated. A machine implements a process and one can reverse engineer the process handily given a working machine. So the distinction is not important.

And that's the thing about evolution. We've come to the stage where not only do we have a model with copious evidence, but we've built working programs that implement the basic algorithm of evolution to do useful stuff.

I was frustrated because you just used an analogy of a engine, which has working parts working together to achieve an outcome with something which all parts work against to achieve the outcome.
Building a simulation in a computer which by passes all the flaws in the theory doesn't prove the theory.
With all your "evidence", please give 1, just 1 example of information gain where it produces a working thing. even if its only a 1 stage thing and not a interconnected multistage component like how hemoglobin ( red blood) is a structure with over 1000 protiens in it. which does nothing... until it's calved up by another protiens which leaves ~900protiens in it, then another calves it to 800, then another calves it to ~512 i think. each stage is usless until the end produce is produced. Can you provide me with anything near like what I showed above, we know you can't.

Once again evolution isn't just inherited traits, natural selection, and mutation. It's the combination of these three aspects into something greater than the components.

I guess the expression, pictures or it didn't happen wouldn't change your mind either. Again you have showing faith in a theory without the evidence. I've shown out NS works against evol, and mutations, the only changing agent in town also works vastly against evol, NS is trying hard to not let the creature die. Thats why you get blind fish in dark caves, the moment NS can't filter it, things to to sh*t.
Again you either need to provide evidence of information increase, i.e. how the information got there. or admit you believing by faith that how it works.

As to your comments about "irreducible complexity", I already noted a way to convert an irreducibly complex internal combustion engine into an irreducibly complex jet engine. Rather than incrementally take things away from the engine, I incrementally added things to turn it into a reducibly complex thing. And with enough stuff added, I got to a point where I could reduce the thing either to an internal combustion engine or a jet engine.

Again with that story you will have to tell me why each and every piece of the jet was added to a internal combustion engine while still giving an advantage to the internal combustion engine. I.e. Why hasn't Ford and Toyota, added half a jet engine to each of their lastest cars? It's because it will not proved any advantage until the entire thing is there, and conversely slow and weigh down the car for no reason making and unneeded cost to the production of the car.

So can you answer my question, How do you get evolution from increase information? Or atleast admit you take it by faith that evol is real, which effectively makes it a supernatural explanation and not "real (operational) science".

Oh yes, I can do this. First, let's consider the situation with mutation and no natural selection. The latter implies that every organism, no matter how messed up, managed to pass its traits on to the next generation. End result is going to be perfect noise asymptotically (that is, it approaches perfect noise as the number of generations gets large).

Selection turns that noise into structure and we can even quantify how much information gets created in the process!

That looks nice on paper but in reality you will get cancers and tumors and organ failure in the host. If that was true then you will at least hope to find some kind of structure out there that will show this off, (I am not denning this can't happen, it just not observed anywhere) and the best case observed is structures that are breaking down and giving an advantage that NS couldn't filter.
  Hence the following:
              1 - no noise has been observed to turned into working structures,
              2 - a rare bit of noise (half a dozen cases) has shown beneficial changes by breaking a structure in the host.
              3 - MOST 99.9% visible mutations causes major problems for the host.
              4 - most mutations are invisible, thus also not being filtered by NS and thus building up to lethal levels in the host. (hence why we often die from cancers)

So above, if evol was working, we would expect to see alot more of 1, (any of 1), 3 & (4 arguably) work directly against evol and are smooth down by NS. 2 is rarly seen, disproves evol and is also smoothed by NS.

For example, suppose there are two mutual exclusive traits in a population, "A" and "B", with every member of the population having one or the other. The respective fractions of the population which are A and B are p_A and p_B. The entropy (or as I referred to it, "noise") contribution from this mix of A and B (there can be far more noise from other sources, we ignore that) is -p_A*log_2(p_A) - p_B*log_2(p_B) bits. The noise can range from 0 bits, for when the population is purely A or B, to 1 bit when the population is exactly half A and half B.

Now suppose there is a selection event which kills off every member who has trait B. In the case where your population is fully trait B, then you just lost the population, but in the cases where you have trait A present in some amount, then you end up with a smaller population that is fully trait A (which as we noted, has zero noise contribution).

The maximum possible reduction in noise occurs when you started with exactly half A and half B. In other words, a selection event which kills off half a population with evolvable traits, can generate up to 1 bit of information in the process. It can also generate much less than 1 bit, if the selection process is at least partly random. Perfectly random selection doesn't generate information at all.

Each additional halving can potentially generate another bit of information. And it adds up. For example, as I understand it, an ejaculation of human sperm consists of roughly half a billion sperm cells (plus or minus). Again as I understand it, roughly 1% of those are considered viable in that they contain the DNA necessary to fertilize an egg. (There is speculation that the rest behaves in a way that could block, inhibit, or even poison rival sperm from other males.)

But only one of those five million or so sperm will actually get through. That's a selection event roughly equivalent to perhaps 22 halvings. So potentially there are 22 bits of information being inserted at this point due to sexual selection.

Sorry, I didn't understood what you wrote there. You are trying to make a statement where if you half the population you will get a more specified gene pool? And then you go on about sperms chances effect the information level. I didn't understood what you were just talking about then, but it sounds like you are also referring to Speciation. Which there is no problem about that. The outcome as like observed in flys could produce a new "species" which doesn't breed with the master race. Thats veryation within a "kind". both flys produces (actually about 254 flys in hiwiwi) are all flies. sorry my wife is annoying me now.

But I fear you dont see my point about how you must have faith for evolution to work as it's own parts work against it. All of biology can be explained without it. Its only purpose is to reject the creator line of thinking which is not unscientific. If something has specified complexity, can't/very unlikely come about naturally, and describes something, is that not a work of intelligent? (to what ever supernatural theory you want to attach to it).

That's incorrect. As I noted several times, evolution depends on three features which are all observed in biological systems

Agreed, NS, Mutations, Specialization/Speciation are all observed in biological system, but where is the evolution then?
Evolution take credit for theses phenomenon which are already described by these other theories?
Evolution then adds that things can gain complexity without any teeth backing it's claim. because if you look how they all interact with each other they dont produce the goods. hence Evol is using true things to produce a lie. Bait and Switch.

, has considerable supporting evidence, and is demonstrated by working computer programs.

Again computer programs dont suffer from the problems of evol. otherwise they wouldn't write it that way.
virtual thingies in software evol because we introduce mutations in it and NS them to a better fit of the problem at hand. Thats a perfect description of evolution, but that doesn't prove it in biological systems. Life is not a computer game. (well, we are in a digital world/universe but thats a different issue.)

It's not made out of whole cloth, but based on what we actually see in nature. Further, the theory of evolution doesn't preclude a creator who intentionally uses evolution as their means of biological creation. A "creator line of thinking" is neither required nor rejected.

It is fundamentally opposed to any creator. There is no need for God in evolution.

Further, it is noteworthy that intelligence is not necessary for creation of complexity. Even normal dynamics of wind, earth, and other nonliving systems can generate surprising complexity (such as polygonal structures in cracks in dried mud). And living organisms, especially social animals, generate complexity in their environment. Even humans create most of their complexity through nonliving tools.

There is a difference between complexity heres.

Crystals have a structure, in there atomic patterns they have order. ABCD ABCD ABCD
DNA is vastly more, they not only have an order to them they have a specified complexity.
To elaborate, a crystal is a repetitive arrangement of atoms, so is ordered. Such ordered structures usually have the lowest energy, so will form spontaneously at low enough temperatures. And the information of the crystals is already present in their building blocks; for example, directional forces between atoms. But proteins and DNA, the most important large molecules of life, are not ordered (in the sense of repetitive), but have high specified complexity. Without specification external to the system, i.e., the programmed machinery of living things or the intelligent direction of an organic chemist, there is no natural tendency to form such complex specified arrangements at all. When their building blocks are combined (and even this requires special conditions5), a random sequence is the result. The difference between a crystal and DNA is like the difference between a book containing nothing but ABCD repeated and a book of Shakespeare. However, this doesn’t stop many evolutionists (ignorant of Orgel’s distinction) claiming that crystals prove that specified complexity can arise naturally—they merely prove that order can arise naturally, which no creationist contests.

DNA on the other hand is a binary encoded system which is polymorphic, error checking, error correcting, self repairing to which it encodes nano machines via RNA modules which are send to factories which read the code and produces protien chains. Thoses protiens chains are transported into a folding factory to produce the three dimensional shapes that the structure is suppose to carry out. It's only when you get the end produce do you get any benefit. Do you see robots, factories, walking delivery trucks, power plants producing energy packages running on protons. All these point to a very intelligent creator.
None of them can be explained by evolution's magical/non existent information gaining powers.

So what came first? DNA, RNA, protein factories to read RNA, protein folding chambers, nano robots walking on self assembling road in the cell, power generates that converts energy at an estimated 100% efficiency rating (a car is only 7%), Ports that open and close on requiests to allow things to enter in inner cell. The list goes on. How complex does it have to get ??? in the 1949 there was a evol vs creationist debate in london where the evolutionist said evol would be disproven if there was magnets being used or if there ever was a wheel. Wel we know birds and buterfies uses magnetic fields and i know of 2 spinning wheels inside a cell. 1 of them all cells have because it's require for life because all the internal processed uses APT to work. I already have you a video link to it. Did you know your body produces and cosumes half it's weight in APT each day. Cyanide kills so quickly because it breaks this moter.

How complex does a cell have to be until you accept it was designed?
How many interlocked systems does there have to be ?
How does the information get there? Like the car with th jet engine, any improvement must be fully functional or NS will deleted it..

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

I disagree, the algorithm doesn't explain the gain. and all sub components of that algorithm works against it and explain all change already observed. How does the whole of the parts be not only greater than the sum of the parts but also change polarity?

Lot of systems work that way. For example, your internal combustion engine and jet engines of a previous example. Start taking parts away and pretty soon you have a bunch of metal, not a working engine.

Arghh!!!, all the parts of the engine are involved in the motion of the machine!!!
We were talking about a "process/theory" in the above. Not something real and works ;-) like a mechanical machine!.
If you are trying to make a scenario with an engine, any engine, in this scenario to what I said above about how all of the components work against the outcome wanted. It would be like a car with NO engine, with only a brakes to speed it up and parachute to control its direction. both parts do not make this theoretical car move forwards, both will hinder it. And thats what evol is, something which all parts move in the opposite direction of the direction wanted. So the evolution train is coming, but only in the wrong direction.

Now, in a physical machine, the whole of the parts combine into a greater than sum net positive. Now any engine would be a perfect example of something called irreducible complexity. IC means you can't take away anything or the thing doesn't work. I got a lovly movie of the flagellum at home, it talks about 40 different proteins, the nearest evol have to this is a needle jet noise structure which has only 12 of the proteins in it. Again they suffer from IC.

Thus in the theory of Evol, you can't have a halve functioning foo() organ until it actually foos(). Any attempt to evol a foo() organ will result in a non function organ. Natural Selection will remove the foo as best as it can. Do you have a foo organ? Do any human have a foo organ? So irreducible complexity also works forwards to block any improvements required anything more than a 3 point mutation. (it took 35,000 generations for a bacteria over 30yrs to mutate a 3 point spot mutated broken switch for processing food in another environment (again thats devolving, just letting you know the scale of the problem here for evols.))

  Again leading to the problem of where the information comes from. How can you jump the hurdle when you are push back from it?

You can test this out for yourself, make a simple ant food game where ants eat the food. You can cheat by evolving the ants to a level where they can see the food infront of them. once you got that up and running, take the perfect ant and make it the only ant in the world. (x100). change the algorthem so that only the ants that collect enough food goes on to have children. make each ant breed with another and add a mutation in, lets say 90% remain on, and add 10% (less fit) new only being a mixture of the existing ants. you will then see that the mutations build up in the entire populations until the point where it crashes in on itself. (you can not make perfect copies of the original perfect ant). Here you will see NS block the less fit. and mutations building up in the population.

We can actually demonstrate this phenomena by making the mutation rate rather high. A low mutation rate combined with selection doesn't exhibit the above behavior.

Yeah, that would do it as well.
But I fear you dont see my point about how you must have faith for evolution to work as it's own parts work against it. All of biology can be explained without it. Its only purpose is to reject the creator line of thinking which is not unscientific. If something has specified complexity, can't/very unlikely come about naturally, and describes something, is that not a work of intelligent? (to what ever supernatural theory you want to attach to it).
So can you answer my question, How do you get evolution from increase information? Or atleast admit you take it by faith that evol is real, which effectively makes it a supernatural explanation and not "real (operational) science".

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

We can just cut to the chase.

how cells gain information, the great Dakwins doesn't know, do you?

Cells don't gain information in themselves.


But we have an established algorithm for how generations can gain or change information.

I disagree, the algorithm doesn't explain the gain. and all sub components of that algorithm works against it and explain all change already observed. How does the whole of the parts be not only greater than the sum of the parts but also change polarity?

Do you see the faith position as evolution has to take that all there is is naturism. (only the physical)

Equating evolution with naturalism implies you to assume evolution (of some variation) is a correct explanation of physical reality (which is what naturalism is about) rather than merely a well-supported scientific theory.

Evolutionist make that claim. Isn't evolution correct in your eyes? I dont claim it's correct, only that evolutionists do.

As to the physical/natural world and the supernatural world, there are a lot of opinions about what's beyond the physical world. These conflict with one another and more importantly, because they are supernatural claims (and by definition, not explorable with physical observation), they can't be evaluated in an objective way. There are perhaps thousands of formal supernatural explanations and claims for why the world and us exist. Each of these explanations is equally valid and invalid.

I can't argue with that. Do you see the supernatural claim of evolution somehow enhancing a creature?

NS will remove information

I have used evolution in computer algorithms to solve optimization problems. You simply don't understand how evolution works. For small groups, Natural selection does remove information. For larger populations, information is far harder to remove, especially that which contributes to survival of the current generation. Meanwhile natural selection removes the noise introduced by mutation.

If you are talking about genetic algorithms, so have I (admittedly my virtual brain was a retard). They demonstrate natural selection and mutations. And if you try to use computer algos to justify evolution, I will bet you that you made 2 mistakes in it,
  1 that at least something survived to the next generation, which is not guarantee to happen in real life, (mutations are fatal.)
  2 The layers of cells remained fixed. (No new layers or width of the layers, no feedback loops added, etc..)

Again your program wouldn't show the design limitations of a fatal design but I could potentially show the peak hill problem which is like it. Once the virtual creature reaches the peak optimum performance of problem solving, it will try to stay there as your natural selection will cull out the less effecting creatures that would move away from the top of the hill. Hence the creatures will never know about the mountain thats next to the hill. The is a problem of genetic algos.

Evolution in computer algos, doesn't prove at all evol in biology. they are a potentially wonderful way to analyse a problem but no evolutionist or creationist would argue the software was "proof". As the serious flaws in the model. Yes each generation gets better. (hopefully), but it ignores all the flaws.

And in reality, mutations build up in the populations, and are far harder to remove as they are invisible to NS until they are at critical levels.

Since your seem to be a programmer, I'll ask you this, Take a program you have written, and send the binary though a program that will randomly change a few bits in the program. (assuming CRC checking or digital signing isn't a problem). When you run your program, would it work better. No it wouldnt. At best, you will hit unused space or text char* string. but what happens when you hit code. Your asm will change from mov dx, [eax] into inc eax, lea edx, si; and you will probably seg fault. (crash). maybe will your get lucky and change for (int x=0;x != 6; x++) into for (int x=0 x != 50;x++)

If it doesn't work for simple computer code, how would it work for DNA which is error checking, error correcting, polymorphic, and able to read both forwards and backwards. (thats why you get cancers and tumors etc...)
Do Microsoft hire random number generators to write windows? (We got very powerful computers, we can do petaflops of calculations if needed)

So again this leads back to the question, what increases the information?
(Or will you admit that you take it by faith that evolution occurs (by supernatural means ;-P) ?)

You can test this out for yourself, make a simple ant food game where ants eat the food. You can cheat by evolving the ants to a level where they can see the food infront of them. once you got that up and running, take the perfect ant and make it the only ant in the world. (x100). change the algorthem so that only the ants that collect enough food goes on to have children. make each ant breed with another and add a mutation in, lets say 90% remain on, and add 10% (less fit) new only being a mixture of the existing ants. you will then see that the mutations build up in the entire populations until the point where it crashes in on itself. (you can not make perfect copies of the original perfect ant). Here you will see NS block the less fit. and mutations building up in the population.

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

A quick google will come up with:
Evolution as a religious system has been adopted by many students, scholars and laypeople as a way to explain the origin and the development of the cosmos and all life including man. They are building their lives on the following beliefs:

I indeed googled and found this quote. The strange thing is that the author, a "David Unfred" also seems to be the author of a book rationalizing dinosaurs in the context of a literal interpretation of the Bible. So once again, we have the claim that Evolution is a religious system, but only from someone who apparently is a Bible literalist.

Did you search for "Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. " Thoses are from evolutionists, the above was a description of evolution as a religion from a Christian source. But I still shown that view from:
  - Professor Richard Lewontin
  -Dr Michael Ruse
  -Shallis, M
Yes, it would make sence for a bible believing creationist to say that dinosaurs where around. The word dinosaur was coined up in the 1800s, When the King James bible was translated they used another word, Dragon.

(copy and paste from
In fact, two such animals are described in the book of Job. The first is a giant vegetarian animal that may be either a Diplodocus or a Brachiosaurus: ‘Behold now behemoth which I made with thee; he eateth grass like an ox . He moveth his tail like a cedar his bones are like bars of iron, he drinketh up a river’ (Job 40:15–24). The second appears to have been some sort of large fire-breathing animal. Just as the small bombardier beetle has an explosion-producing mechanism, so the great sea-dragon may have had an explosion-producing mechanism to enable it to be a real fire breathing dragon: ‘Canst thou draw out leviathan with a hook his breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth .’ (Job 41:1–34).

The bombardier beetle is a bug in India which creates a large explosion in it's belly to scare of attackers because of the large bang and the terrible smell. The program with this beetle is that the 2 chemicals that get mixed must be perfectly done or the beetle blows himself up. Evolution in small steps can not do this because any mistakes the the beetle is dead. It must be a all or nothing thing. This also protects against mutations because if it degrades then the beetle dies too.

Now you are under the belief that dinosaurs died 65,000,000 years ago. Did you know that there has been discovered a T Rex with stretchy blood vessels and red blood cells found in USA. the dating on it was ~30,000 years using c14 dating (which is another argument) but that proves that dinos were around very recently. from cave painting in usa from native indians which look like brachiosaurus, to the historical stroy about st george that kill a big lizzard thing, alaxain who army in India was scared by a big thing in a cave, to temples in Lios, which had an icon looking like a 3 horn dino trisearatop (can't spell it).
I ask you to look up this dinosaur with blood cells and ask yourself how do you get dinos with red blood cells because it can't be 65Myrs because DNA can not last that long.

This shows the evolutionist is commited to the idea of naturalism no matter the evidence.

"Naturalism" is whatever the evidence is, by definition.

naturalism is the belief that of only the physical exists.

Evolution makes no prediction about anything.

Nonsense. Scientific theories make predictions and explanations by definition. I have discussed a number of predictions made by evolution, particularly the presence of inherited traits, natural selection for these traits, and mutation, all which we observe.

I meant by prediction as in what the future will bring, I didn't realised you meant prediction of something undiscovered that happen in the past.
Inherited traits is not a prediction of evolution. natural selection & mutations are still not evolution in action. please give me an example of evolution which is an increase in information, not just a feature of a cell being broken giving an advantage..

Can you give me any way for information to be added to host creature. NS will remove information, Mutations in all observed instances either are netural, or vastly negative with the rare exception being an advantage though something breaking.

As to your "15 questions", evolution (and abiogenesis) doesn't have to provide full and complete answers to the questions. It just needs to provide better answers than rival theories. Creationism simply doesn't work or explain anything. And since the Bible is self-contradictory and Bible literalism is not an objective truth-seeking method, these aren't scientific.

It claims to be the only answer, so it needs to answer these questions before being force on to people. Where does the information come from!

We don't observe a "creator" or the absence of one. I consider it unknowable (at least currently) and hence, that is something I don't have an opinion on. Evolution nor abiogenesis preclude a creator though they do allow for the absence of a creator.

We only observe the current rules of physic as of today which are all conversational. i.e. Energy is not being created.
Evolution & abio directly means theres no creator, thats the point of the theory. try to claim anything differently is trying to pander to "religious" people.
Has a scientific method, shouldn't observation and eye witness accounts matter? a bible believer has an eye witness account of how it began. And as I shown in these posts, the bible hasn't been disproven and it describes the evidence better than evolution IMO.
I can talk more latter but i got a badminton game on the other side of town now.

So please tell me
  1 - how cells gain information, the great Dakwins doesn't know, do you?
  2 - Do you see the faith position as evolution has to take that all there is is naturism. (only the physical)

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

Evolution doesn't make these claims nor are they implications of the theory. People do, such as yourself. And if humans aren't descended from animals, then how is it possible for us to act like animals? Such things as hedonism (and human behavior in general) really can only be explained by humans have significant common traits with animals, particularly primates (which the current theory asserts are closely related to us).

A quick google will come up with:
Evolution as a religious system has been adopted by many students, scholars and laypeople as a way to explain the origin and the development of the cosmos and all life including man. They are building their lives on the following beliefs:

1 - Space, matter and time are the infinite and the eternal trinity. It is neither being created or destroyed, only changing in form and essence;
2 - Because time is infinite, the potential of accidents to happen, for example, the formation of life from previously nonliving matter, becomes not only possible, but probable;
3 - All life that exists today is the result of these chance accidents occurring in time and giving rise to a process of continued upward development of life on Earth. Man, ape, dog, cat, ant and plant, all life, at one distant point in time arose from at least one common ancestor.

Do you believe the above statements?

I did a look around for well regarded people to quote from and not just "bums by the side of the bus stop", that is I picked the leaders and not no-bodies to quote from.
So a google will come up with:

Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist (and self-proclaimed Marxist), is certainly one of the world’s leaders in evolutionary biology. He wrote this very revealing comment (the italics were in the original). It illustrates the implicit philosophical bias against Genesis creation—regardless of whether or not the facts support it.

‘We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. ...'

This shows the evolutionist is commited to the idea of naturalism no matter the evidence.
Another athiests (who is well regarded)


Renowned Canadian science philosopher Dr Michael Ruse made astonishing admissions about the religious nature of evolution at a symposium titled ‘The New Antievolutionism’ (during the 1993 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.) These statements shocked his colleagues because he has written a book, But is it Science?, denouncing creationism because it is religious and was the last person expected to give the game away.

He appeared to admit that evolution is based upon dogmatic exclusion of a miraculous creation/creator—in effect, a faith commitment to naturalism, the unprovable, religious belief that no supernatural element exists or is relevant.

Ruse said this:
‘at some very basic level, evolution as a scientific theory makes a commitment to a kind of naturalism, namely that at some level one is going to exclude miracles and these sorts of things, come what may.’
He went on to defend this unprovable assumption by the fact that, in his view, it works. Nevertheless, said Ruse,
‘evolution, akin to religion, involves making certain a priori or metaphysical assumptions, which at some level cannot be proven empirically.’

‘Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint—and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it—the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.

‘ Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.’
Michael Ruse was professor of philosophy and zoology at the University of Guelph, Canada

Shallis, M., In the eye of a storm, New Scientist, pp. 42–43, January 19, 1984.
‘It is no more heretical to say the Universe displays purpose, as Hoyle has done, than to say that it is pointless, as Steven Weinberg has done. Both statements are metaphysical and outside science. Yet it seems that scientists are permitted by their own colleagues to say metaphysical things about lack of purpose and not the reverse. This suggests to me that science, in allowing this metaphysical notion, sees itself as religion and presumably as an atheistic religion (if you can have such a thing).’

I could go on and on about quotes from people I've never heard of before myself, but I hope I made my point that evol to it's logical conclusions makes these claims. Why do people act like animals?, well why not, people are sinners made in the image of God. We have the ability to do what ever we want, and that includes unspeakable things. But since we are made in the image of God, we are also capable of things animals can not do, true love (not a child), scarified oneself for another person, (army solder protected his home country), hospitals etc... We can stouped down to a chimps/dogs level but they can't come up to our level of thinking.

Over 100 million people are born each year. There is roughly 6 billion bits of information and noise on each one's DNA. That's effectively equivalent to a channel with 6*10^17 bits per year or roughly a 10 gigabaud channel always open transmitting DNA information to the next generation.

You make large numbers to attempt to assert the basic believe that given many possible combinations that enhancments must occour. So far that statement in reality will show alot of people giving brith to replicates with less information than the parents and more noise due to mutations. It still suffers from irrducable complexity. To make a car analogy...
There are 100 million cars in the world with 100 million teenagers making modifications to the cars. They show off thier cars once a year at a car show. The chances of a design surviving to the next generation is how popular it will become. E.g. blue lights at the bottom, bigger exsource pipes and spinning wheel hub caps. Now mutations would be one teanager trying something new, like lights on the window wippers. Now if the teenager modifies the engine and destorys it, it then wont go on to the next show. Thats an example of a "bad" mutations taking effect. But what if the 100 million teanagers want jet/warp power engines, first they will remove the engine and (lost the car), ok first add the warp engines peice by piece,
    Step 1 would be to add the antimatter, a 17yr would not have that information
    Step 2 the application would probably destroy the teenager and half the city he lives on. (i.e. half evolved is fully dead)

Basically all thoses 100 million people are ALL working on a skellinton design. They can not move away from that design too far or they die from tumours, caners, blood deceises, etc...

Now you know the nature of mutations are they are harmful to people, the body activlty fights against copying mistakes of mutations because they are so harmful. So in that signal analogy, If you are transmitting information you MUST follow the spification in the protocol. I.e., there are (number out of my arse) 100 trillion http requests per year, they all follow the spification or they will be rejected. The requests are very greatly but only within the limits of the design. hence HTTP requests will never become a FTP packet or a DOOM3 multiplayer update position packet. It just wont happen, so playing to chance wont work because you can not have every possible outcome.

To try to prove evolution, from goo to you, heck, even your parents to you to your children, you need a way to increase information. Remember as I stated before, NS is a selective process filtering out the information, Mutations are noise, which adds cancers and deceises, with a handfull of times which when breaking the machinery of the cell can produce a positive result but again that doesn't show evolution.

To prove my point, watch with video of Dawkins:

You can see he fails to anwser the question and come of with other unrelated statements (some true/some false).
If you can describe a method where a "simple" cell could use multiple proteins in together in sequence without a functional result inbetween, please let me know and the rest of the world.

According to the Bible, only Noah and his family survived the Great Flood, but a number of his ancestors were still alive after the Flood was over. The trivial alternative explanation was first, the Great Flood was a local event not a global one and that someone kept track of these ages, but they wrote it in months rather than years, only to have someone mistranslate the passage later.

Please tell me where you got the idea that other people were still alive after the flood?
The only humans to survive was on the ship, all 8 of them.
The flood cover the highest mountain, and because the flood point was higher then the "container" it would of been global as no point would of been above the water. This is a major point of genisis. They where in the boat for 1 year and 1 week. (I remember a radio show that said this date landed on a particalur jewish holiday but I can't remember the details now. Actually when ever the bible gives a numberical value, it usually points to something alot deeper, probably the 66/40 radio show from chuck misler, he would explain theology in this bible readings greatly, pick a bible book in his website and listen :-) )
If would probably reply with some statement like "Oh my theres not enought water today on the earth to cover the planet, where did all the water go?" Well to nip your question in the bud, the answer is the water is there there in the occeans. 70% of earth is covered water, If you falten the land on the earth the water would over the land for over 1.7 Kms!!!
Now the "fountains of the deep" opened up, (imaging a .5km layer of water 10kms down) down the middle of pangonia land (what ever the athiest called the land mass of all ther land as 1 conteinant.) that would of created a fountain which would of cracked the earth as 3 Kms per second and the water would of reached into upper atmosphere. The 2 contentiants would then slide off the layer at a speed of 40Km per hour at first, slowing down to cms per year as we do today. This is call catastrohic plate technotinic theroy. It would then give large mountains that we have today and thus room for the water to drain away into the occens.

Taking the Bible literally will fail since it's stories are inherently contradictory and probably have been frequently mistranscribed over the millennia.

Actually the jews where very very serious about their bible and there were 3 versions of the bible kept by the jews since the begining in the babylon captivity for 70 years. Between the 3 there ARE differences, 9 to 14 letters are spelt differently depending if you count a thing like a '~' or a dot 'i' on a I. So there are no questions about the record keeping about the old testament.

It is often mistranscribed by people with adgendas, but we english people luckly have the king james version from 1500s It's correct (mostly, no funny bussiness in it).
Please tell me a contradictory story?

Or we could add the jet turbine to the combustion engine, piece by piece, until we have a combustion engine welded to a jet engine, then take away the combustion engine piece by piece. Not elegant, but it is a counterexample to your assertion.

The problem again is that you are making up information in it. (did I do a car anlogoy before in a previous post? I often get into arguements at work, sorry I am a bit split minded trying to think what I said already)
In order for the jet turbine engine to be there, you first need all the pieces and then organize them in the proper sequnece. (Hence dawkins problem) At each stage of the jet engine you must provive a fully functional and benifital reason for having each piece there or other wise natural selection will kill of your car because it is either ineffienct or it's leaking oil and dies ;-O
Only when you have a fully function jet turbine can you allow your piston engine to decay away from mutations.

Alternately, it's like walking. We don't say that you can't walk from New York City to Los Angeles even though they are a long ways apart. It's worth noting that dogs, cats, and pidgins all have very similar DNA (incidentally, fulfilling a prediction of evolution), so I don't see the evidence that they are on different islands or "kinds" as you put it. And if evolution is correct, they have to be all on the same island since if true, one could devolve a dog exactly along the path of its evolution to the point where it had a common ancestor with the pigeon and then evolves forward exactly along the path to the pigeon.

Evolution doesn't make the prediction of dogs / cats comming out of a 4 legged thing. Evolution is used to explain why there are 4 legged dogs / cats in the first place. Evolution makes no prediction about anything. Anything can happen so nothing is predicted. Why havn't we seen wings on dogs? thats predicted by evolution then???
Evidence is how you interpet it. I am a programmer by trade, (sorry of "appeal to athory" there, I could of say milkman) and in my job i made many software. I often use the same classes in different software. from sorting techniques, storing of information, decoding of mp3 steams, etc.. they are all(often) shared between programs. That means if I did a comparsion between my applications they will be very much alike. Is Windows 95 like Windows 98? Windows 2000 like XP? These software would be very much alike but they were designed by (mostly:-P) intellegent programmers. So I rightfully claim that 92% (8% to 12% difference not 1%) of chimps shows signs of common designer. just like the horse and mouse at 95% or bannana at 50%. Are you half bannana?

It's worth noting at this point that we do have fossil records for dogs, cats, and probably pigeons as well, that show incremental development over long periods of time and merging of lineages in the past to common ancestors. In other words, we see what appears to be the path above in the fossil record.

Oh dear God, i really wish I kept a book a brought about fossils, it talked all about the differnt fossils and how they just dont show anything like that. I'll try a quick google to see if I can get that famious quote....

‘Palaeoanthropologists seem to make up for a lack of fossils with an excess of fury, and this must now be the only science in which it is still possible to become famous just by having an opinion. As one cynic says, in human palaeontology [the study of fossils] the consensus depends on who shouts loudest.’
J.S. Jones, Department of Genetics and Biometry, University College, London, in a book review. Nature, Vol. 345, May 31, 1990, p. 395.

Everybody knows fossils are fickle; bones will sing any song you want to hear.
– J. Shreeve, ‘Argument over a woman’, Discover, 11(8):58, 1990.

Dr Patterson had written a book for the British Museum simply called Evolution.2 Creationist Luther Sunderland wrote to Dr Patterson inquiring why he had not shown one single photograph of a transitional fossil in his book. Patterson then wrote back with the following amazing confession which was reproduced, in its entirety, in Sunderland’s book Darwin’s Enigma:

‘I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualise such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic licence, would that not mislead the reader?’
He went on to say:

‘Yet Gould [Stephen J. Gould—the now deceased professor of paleontology from Harvard University] and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils. You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.” I will lay it on the line—there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.’3 [Emphasis added].

The web site contains alot of creationist information about science. I would recondmend reading the Q&A section, pick any subject, they got many.

Now after responding with your posting I would like to ask these questions to you my friend, (espesally spending 5 hours looking up stuff, I just moved so I also dont have a TV so I got lots a spare time today)

Please look up this 15 questions here
If you can't answer them (all / any of them) you would ask yourself why would you dogmicatally belief in evolution? Look at all the flaws of it,
You will need also to explain why every cell in the world have a APT Sync engine in it where live would not be possible. The APT Sync engine converts a chem into another APT chems, which is then used as a form of energy currency in the body. (Cininide kills so quicky because it stops the motors in the cell)
Then look at another nano machine in the cell The Kinesin Linear Motor.

Ask yourself what is more probable, a blind process which no one can think of a way to get it to work just happening trip up and cough up you. Or you, and all your cells and all the nano robots in your cells to all the 6GB of information in each of your cells was designed by a creator who is very very smart and powerful. Please check out what is the evidence. I am always open for a "Christian" view of things.

I gotta sleep now, I would look forward to your reply khallow.

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

That's abiogenesis, but point granted. Thing is, why don't you agree?

I disagree on Evol on 2 grounds for me personally,
First is a "religionist" objection:
first and foremost is the religious claims it makes. (i.e. No God, people are just animals to be exploited, no ultimate right/wrong because everything is just signals in your brain. And that allows people to do very "wrong" things)

Second is operational science (fact and details)
where Evol relies on fact and then switches them for a lie (bait and switch). Fact is NS & Mutations, lie is it can increase information.
I'll try to give an example using the signal analogy below to describe the problems it has.

Looking through your criticism, I see that you grant natural selection, but don't appear to understand how it works. A natural though partial analogue is a communication channel that has both a organized component (which I'll call "signal") and a disorganized chaotic part (which I call "noise"). Mutation is the same as adding noise to the signal. Selection is the same as filtering out parts of the channel that don't correspond to a signal. It turns noise into information. For example, if a selection event over a generation removes half of a species, then that can add up to a bit of information.

Natural Selection in that context would be better described transmitting more of the signals (TCP packets?) at the parts of the channels which work more effectively) e.g. not transmitting on a broken line (firewall, bad router) or a line which causes reflections in the signal (fatal preditor ;-))

In this analogy, the bandwidth used in the communication is reduced to certain frequencies / tcp packets / information. So if lots of information (and noice) will be "selected" down to lesser information (and very less noise).
But for that analogy to describe Evolution, the volume of information in the signal will have to increase, so it's not just a better signal quality of say @56Kbps (analog modem), the evolution would be adsl or fibre optic cables.
Now here is where the problem is, If the channel was slowly being converted to adsl, then the second you change to adsl protocol, you have lost all information as both sides would speak a different language. (that is what happen when you try to write DNA, if it's not "~prefect" from the start, you will get a half functioning heart/lung/kidney etc... which will kill the host)
Take the jump from adsl to fibre optic, if any of the line is converted to pastic, it will lose it's signal again, those when a "evolution" happens, it must be all or nothing.
NS will do it's best to route around the "damage" cable for as much as possible.

Quite a few of the "bad" mutations aren't. For example, there's a recessive gene variant which when fully expressed causes sickle cell anemia. But when it is paired with a "normal" copy of the usual gene, confers enhanced resistance to malaria. Others simply manifest too late to be evolutionarily significant, such as genes that cause death or serious illness in people over the age of 40.

Yes, I agree, some mutations can be good (and you check I bet it's a broken gene working better?), others/(most?) can be "invisible" until they build up in the population. as mutations increase over the generations. NS only work when the mutations are visible. so errors are creaping into the human line over time. (Thats why the people in the bible lived to be crazy old of over 960 years but shorten very quickly for each generation just as expected with mutations built up)

Later we know no matter how many generations of artificial natural selection, you will never geta cat or a bird from breeding dogs together.

That hasn't been shown, especially in the presence of the full mechanics of evolution, including mutation.

I beg to differ, We have been breeding pidgins for 300yrs, Dogs for thousands of years, never have any of them turned out to be a cat.
The same goes for all "kinds". species are a human term so I didn't want you to get horses and donkeys mixed up.

It'd be a far harder problem (since one is matching DNA up near exactly) than merely breeding an animal indistinguishable in appearance and temperament from a cat. But ultimately, it's just a computational problem with an algorithm which we know works asymptotically (that is, with enough dogs and enough generations).

This is alot like the cable problem above, when you stray too far away from the limits of the design, it breaks down fatally. It's like trying to change a car's piston engine piece by piece into a jet engine, at some point it wont work as a car piston engine and it's still far away from a jet turbine engine. You must always have a fully functional form and I think that just can't happen as these simple examples will show.

Comment Re:If only... (Score 0) 737

Why Atheists require evolution:
Atheists reject God, therefore they must have everything self assembling (Aliens only move the problem to another planet). Because things dont self assemble themselves right now, it must of taken a long time to do it because we cant see it happening now.

What is Evol?
Evolution is the theory of things changing. The theory basically demands that things can improve and can gain complexity (information).
Goo to you via the zoo.
For arguments sake: yes the theory also suggests that things devolve which no one argues against .
And yes evolutionist will still need abiogenises. (The goo created life from nothing and didn't destroy it).

What doesn't work about Evol,
To understand how it doesn't work you need to understand it's components:
Evolution = Natural Selection + Mutations.
1 - Natural Selection.
          Natural Selection is the "survival of the fittest". This means the the variation thats naturally "designed" in a creature will be favoured.

At first Charles thought this is all that is required. As a cell was a simple blob. Later we know no matter how many generations of artificial natural selection, you will never geta cat or a bird from breeding dogs together. NS can not be a driving agent for Goo to You.
2 - Mutations
          Mutations were added as a changing agent, because NS just didn't cut it. Mutations are suppose to enable changes which NS will then select if they are good.

Natural Selection is a scientific fact, people do not argue about this. It's common sense, ever since it's was pen down in the 1600s by some monk breeding pees together. (Actually was published a couple of years before Charles' book)
The problem with NS when applying to Evolution, is the Natural Selection works against Evolution. As a reminder: Evolution is goo to you via zoo. NS will remove information/complexity in the creature, never add it. as simple 6th biology gene grid of two dogs breading:

            B S
      B BB BS
      S SB SS

Here you have 2 dogs both carrying (B)ig and (S)mall geans for fur coats. When the breed they will have 1(25%) big coat club, 2(50%) median size clubs, and 1(25%) small fur club.
When its a clod place and only the big fur coat club survive to breed with another big fur dog, you will only very get BB,BB,BB,BB as a result. hence you have strip away from the DNA the small gean.
That is 1 way NS will work agaist Evolution.

They are mostly benign, meaning they dont do anything, but when they do have an effect, they are mostly bad, very bad. We know of 10,000 mutations to the human body which causes diseases like caners and liver failures etc... , and about half a dozen to what I hear are actually "good" mutations. The problem with these "good" mutations is they work by disabling functioning systems in the body which can be benifitical thus working in the opposite way that evolution needs. To date there is no good mutation in the human body recorded which increases complexity, (have you evoled wings?)

Comment Re:If only... (Score -1) 737

Please dont try to lump evolution the category real science. Because I would argue that atheists don't want to acknowledge the facts of evolution. (namly that it doesn't work) but they insist on it because it is their "religion".

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