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Comment Re:Birth Control (Score 1) 477

At first thought, i would also say that birth control and education are key. They are indeed important. But Africa is not poor in resources — it's poor in property rights and their enforcement. People don't invest in infrastructure over there because of poor property rights. Consider a farmer who builds irrigation for his field. When some guerrillas run through town or another dictator ascends to power, they may take his hard invesment in his land from him. Another thing is that people are resources: they can improve the land and produce goods. So birth control, in the current state of affairs, would help lots. But the most benefit would come from strong property rights in poor areas so people can invest in infrastructure and their land without fear of losing it through force.

Comment Re:$204 ... $20,400 -- wouldn't matter. (Score 1) 54

Nothing in this world is free. There is a cost for everything. The good thing is that we found the cost of privacy breaches. The next step is to compare them to the cost of increasing current security. If it is found that the marginal benefit of having less breaches offsets the marginal cost of increasing security, then action should be taken to follow that course of action until we reach equilibrium.
Privacy costs money. It is not a value that should be pursued no matter the cost; rather, the costs should be weighed with the benefits, and a rational decision must be made based on the information available.
Second: one person buying an insurance policy from a company doesn't raise the premiums for everyone else; if anything, the premiums go down as the overhead fixed costs are spread between more clients. The cost of the insurance policy is determined statistically to cover the cost of the policy.
This is elementary.

Comment Re:My excuse (Score 1) 376

Once you build muscle, you're set for life. Muscle burns calories just existing, so you get less fat. And there's no such thing as muscle tissue "turning into fat" or "turning flabby." That's just additional fat accumulating, and eventually, if you don't use the muscles, they are slowly consumed by the body for use as energy. Never has muscle tissue "turned into" fat.

Comment Re:I think there might be a reason for it (Score 1) 602

You are absolutely and 100% wrong.
1. Empirical evidence shows that women want sex just as much as men want sex.
2. A sex robot would not be a replacement for what men want. Men want food to be cooked and ready when they get home.
3. No real man "puts up" with women just for sex. Real men are chased — and sought after — by women.

Comment Disconnect from society (Score 3, Informative) 138

They really are disconnected from society. Same with the police. If you've ever ready about or spoken to someone in a police academy, you will know that they encourage recruits to only hang out with other law enforcement officers, to only play in their sports leagues, et cetera; it indoctrinates a "us" vs "the public" mentality that follows the officer for the rest of their life. I don't know if that translates to the situation of the judges, but one can presume that an individual given such immense power, a sizeable paycheque, and so little accountability as a judge soon enough develops little connection to "everyone else."

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