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Comment Re:Old Games on Faster Computers can be tough (Score 1) 367

Or ascii-based games running into problems with tiny pixels or miss-matched resolutions.

Not strictly true; I'm playing in this year's /dev/null tournament, and the rogue level in NetHack is giving my SSH client serious issues. For some reason the graphics options that work fine for the rest of the levels screw it up mightily, resulting in everything being one character to the right of where the screen tells me it is. It makes moving and not getting eaten...interesting.

Comment Re:Uh, no (Score 1) 503

-1, failure to recognize an Idiocracy reference.

You said it. Thought I was safe enough referring to it here.

*looks around at nascent flamewar*

Oops. Seems that idiocracy may be a little closer than I thought....

Comment Re:Um. (Score 1) 229

However, what is not tolerated, is massive scale, cannabis farming which is then sold on for huge profits (without tax being paid, are you spotting a theme here??).

That's the part that always confused me - if you're not allowed to grow it large-scale, where does all the "product" in the shops come from? Are there legalised farms as well, or something?

Comment Re:Foolish thought. Not enough space for that. (Score 1) 446

Plus they can offload the costs to the ISPs!

And, more importantly, the security. Given the government's track record with keeping sensitive data safe, I'm actually slightly happier about that (inasmuch as I can be said to be happy about the plan at all, which I'm not), but we're still replacing a single point of failure with multiple single points of failure...

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