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PC-BSD 8.0 Release Focuses On Desktop Use 154

donadony writes "Last Monday PC-BSD 8.0 was released. PC-BSD is based on FreeBSD and uses KDE as its default desktop environment. PC-BSD is designed to make BSD much easier for desktop use. The 8.0 release includes support for 3D acceleration with NVIDIA drivers on amd64 and improvements in the USB subsystem. The PC-BSD team has also developed a friendly package manager system with a simple-to-use GUI tool (see the screenshots tour). For a full list of changes, refer to the changelog."

Submission + - PC BSD 8.0 release made BSD easier for desktop use

donadony writes: Last Monday PC-BSD was released. PC BSD is based on FreeBSD and uses KDE as its default desktop environment. The 8.0 release of PC-BSD is based onFreeBSD Support for 3D acceleration with NVIDIA drivers on amd64 and improvements in the USB subsystem. PC-BSD is designed to make BSD mu ch easier for desktop use. The PC-BSD team has also developed a friendly package manager system and tools to let users manage packages using a simple to use GUI tool (See screenshots tour). For a full list of changes refer to the changelog

Submission + - "Tube Map" Created for the Milky Way (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: "Assuming you had an interstellar spaceship, how would you navigate around the galaxy? For starters, you'd probably need a map. But there's billions of stars out there, how complex would that map need to be? Actually, Samuel Arbesman, a research fellow from Harvard, has come up with a fun solution. He created the 'Milky Way Transit Authority (MWTA),' a simple transit system in the style of the iconic London Underground "Tube Map." (Travel Tip: Don't spend too much time loitering around the station at Carina, there's some demolition work underway.)"

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