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Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 473

As a private pilot that had been away from flying for nearly as long I can say you may be surprised at how little time it would take to get current. It took me about 6 hours of flight time to be comfortable again at the controls and complete a flight review. Seems the landing finesse took the longest for me to get back. That's just the actual flying part though. I spent a LOT of time going through a new FAR/AIM and studying the newer airspace regulations. All in all it didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.
As for the expense, I am going to forego exercising private pilot privleges and fly under sport pilot rules instead (basically, day VFR, and in planes that qualify as light-sport). That, combined with going with amature/experimental or LSA instead of certificated aircraft, could bring the price down to about the same per hour that it costs to drive my pickup truck! If you really want to fly check out what's available on in the light-sport section (planes such as Challenger, Titan Tornado, Kitfox, Kolb, etc). You may be surprised that many cost no more than a small boat or motorcycle.

Comment The beta is a big steps backwards in usability (Score 1) 237

If the changes made it easier to use the site then I'd be ok with it, but as it is now it's a huge step backwards. I do not like the new layout at all. The classic format enabled users to quickly scan new stories and comments with a minimum of scrolling. The beta format make it so painful that I'll probably stop visiting if the new format is all that's available.

Comment Corporate Pilot as a career? (Score 1) 207

Assuming you still want to fly, and fly equipment that most of us can't afford, why not be a corporate pilot? You may not get rich at it but the pay is pretty good, and in addition someone else is paying for your flying fix too! Of course you could go into engineering instead and buy your own plane, but as you probably already know on most of us IT guys' pay you won't be affording a jet-a blowtorch.

Comment DCS network should be totally isolated (Score 5, Interesting) 284

I'm a DCS system admin at an oil refinery. We keep the DCS and business lans totally separated, and that directive is driven from the top down. If anyone asks for remote access we just let them know that's NOT going to happen - end of story! It can be a pain getting files from one network to the other (patches, etc.) but certainly worth the effort.

Comment Re:Good idea (Score 1) 439

I do understand that. My previous comment was not meant in a negative way towards the many fine folks working at the USPS (I sure wouldn't want any of their jobs!) but more in pointing out that maybe someone needs to rethink just how it's run. Maybe it should be run more like a business, even if they just end up breaking even.

Comment Re:Good idea (Score 3, Informative) 439

Good grief! And how exactly is it that the post office is due ANY funds from an email someone sends??? If they want more funds they should EARN it like the rest of us have to, not steal it from someone else that has earned it. If they're not making enough to keep things going then they should do like any other business and manage their costs and set prices appropriately.

Comment Re:They can want to hide it (Score 1) 659

When a doc's clerical error or comment could potentially affect a patient's future care or even their livelyhood (such as if a pilot's medical is denied or revoked based on info in their medical records) then the patient absolutely should have the full access to all of their records no matter how crappy it makes the doc's job! Put another way, the crapiness level of a docs job should not be sufficient justification for denying someone access to information that could have life altering consequences - particularly when the patient is the one footing the tab for it.

Comment Yeah right (Score 1) 659

To say the patient shouldn't have access to their medical records would be like saying a person shouldn't have access to their credit report. It's a given that incorrect, incomplete, or misleading information will be found from time to time. That bad info could affect future care, or possibly even other things in the future. Who knows who besides the patient may end up being able to view this information that the patient would have no way of viewing or correcting. For instance, could insurance companies be allowed to view it before deternining if they should write a policy for an individual? Another example would be if the DOT or FAA could view it and decide not to issue a medical certificate based on what they see. Someone could loose their livelyhood without being able to even see the evidence used against them.

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