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Comment same as life (Score 2, Funny) 427

> You start in a room, no idea what's going on [...] You have to read the manual and supporting media to get a grip on it all

looks like my own life

born in room
no idea what's going on
need to read holy book (manual) to get a grip on it all
ans life seems laking sense if I don't follow the book

at least a game is WYSIWYG
which is not the case with life

Comment even before (Score 1) 703

"Where Should We Focus Our Space Efforts? "

Even before going to moon, mars or enywhere else.

Make sure HAL don't kill David and everyone during the trip.

BTW we missed first odyssey launch date, next is only next year,
we will probably not have time to get prepared.

Comment 42% of what computers ? (Score 1) 569

Most of people around me
who are not nerds
hardly understand what a "program" really is.

and fewer know where to download "free" software.
Even less know where to get pirate software.

And most of humanity is like these people I know.

I hardly believe this 42% figure.

However it has been known for ages (80's)
that pirate software often come with unwanted "goodies".

Comment not new (Score 1) 244

are current games using network technology to push new value ?

or do they use network technology to push old value ?

when internet was non existent,
games were obviously oriented to the gamer,
not to relations with other players.

still look at first network games
in 93 I played Doom and we played more coop than PVP.
And i played it not over Internet but in LAN.

therefore games are more coop nowadays
because coop is much easier with Internet.

Comment he's right ! (Score 2, Funny) 421

"Jack Thompson [said] that the social networking site harmed him by not removing angry postings made by Facebook gamers."

"Jack Thompson [argued] that the game caused violent behavior."

Seems to me these angry postings prooved his cause
by showing game caused violent behavior.

Comment Hello Darwin, Hi Monsanto (Score 0) 360

In Evolution terms
biologic systems fight for survival and propagation
at this game
that weed definitively is a winner
which can also be problematic
for earth overwhole winner : man.

but don't panic
Monsanto and its friends will
surely find some genetic magic
to kill that weed
ooh by the way
you'll have to pay
not only to kill
but also
to protect from its return.

genetic business is
probably the Evolution winner...

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
