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Comment Re:Get Out of Your Bubble (Score 0) 275

If by "as it happens" you mean, "that fits, with the proper amount of spin and misreporting, the Fox 'News' propaganda outlet's worldview", then yes, I agree.

Personally I'm relieved that Fox "News" got slapped back a bit. It's not news -- it's entertainment for simple-minded, easily provoked bigots.

Comment Re:Shocking... (Score 1) 706

Ok, first... extremely liberal... hahah ha lol good one.

Nailed it.

Second, if corporations have shown themselves incapable of doing their job then what is are his options?

Corporations have one job, to make money, and that's what the ISPs are attempting to do by extorting money from targeted consumers of their monopoly-protected services. Having said that, yes, the President should act within the purview of his powers.

Comment Re:They ARE a utility. (Score 3, Interesting) 706

South Korea
Hong Kong
The Netherlands
The Czech Republic

The top 10 nations for internet speed. Notice anyone missing from that list? Treating internet service as a utility and not allowing toll booth throttling apparently results in top notch service.

You're welcome.

Comment Re:You missed the strategy ... (Score 3, Insightful) 706

The number one concern for the American vote is NOT the economy. The economy is doing great. People's paychecks are what suck. The lack of decent paying jobs is what sucks. The wage gap is what sucks. But the economy? It's doing great, thanks.

If the GOP was concerned about the American voter, they'd up the minimum wage to $11/hr. Instead, they rely on the gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, and hundreds of millions in Koch contributions and dark money to fund propaganda that will convince people to vote against their interests.

But people turn out for presidential elections, and I'm trusting that the GOP will be unable to fight the tidal wave of voter resentment.

Comment Re:Ok, so no net neutrality in US (Score 4, Funny) 706

... If Obama wanted net neutrality, he would oppose it and Republicans would then be for it. But by supporting it, republicans will never start any such legislation now. Maybe even the opposite of net neutrality will be what they will pass.

Wow. You make it sound like Congress is focused solely on obstruction. Surely a congressional body elected to represent the United States citizenry would never harm the nation by outright obstructing positive legislative efforts?

Sorry, I've been in a coma for the last 6 years. Did I miss something?

Comment Re:Ok, so no net neutrality in US (Score 4, Insightful) 706

The GOP, and Mitch McConnell famously, stated that their purpose was to make Obama a one term president. Failing that, they have nearly frozen the legislative process and refused to participate in governing. So while your initial statement is subjectively accurate, the GOP left him little choice but to use the powers his office possesses to attempt to address the needs of the nation.

Comment Leftovers from Iran-Iraq War (Score 2) 376

This is old news. There are forgotten caches of weapons from the Iran-Iraq War (mostly produced by the U.S.) that were left to rot out in the desert, as well as munitions that Saddam had laying around in case the Kurds got out of hand.

Anyone that ever said he didn't have *any* WMDs *ever* would simply be ignorant of the well-known facts. What was clearly a bald-faced lie was that he was currently producing nerve gas and nukes in preparation for invading his neighboring countries. "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."

Show me the nukes and I will personally apologize to George Bush. Until then, no, this ain't that.

Comment H1B Visa (Score 1) 479

Well, first you need to get an H1B Visa...

Oh wait, you are an American citizen? Yeah.... well.... sorry, but someone with a PhD from a university in Mumbai is more likely to get the job you're applying for. And when they get that job, they'll send the majority of that money back home. But if we don't let companies like Microsoft and Facebook have all the H1Bs they want, they'll move their operations off-shore. They'll say anything to convince people that H1Bs are somehow good for the economy and create more American jobs than they cost, but the truth is U.S. software houses simply want the work done as inexpensively as possible, and you're basically advertising, with your PhD, that you're expensive and you don't even have real-world experience yet.

My advice: drop the PhD until you have several years of experience.

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