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Comment Re:Why only focus on the leak? (Score 3, Insightful) 768

Unfortunately, BP has been using dispersants on the failed well to prevent the oil from slicking on the surface. Because there is so much oil, the slicks on the surface are still happening, but this isn't all of the oil. I don't know of any defensible estimates for the % of oil that is getting to the surface versus hanging out in "clouds of oil". However, it seems that most people, even BP, will acknowledge that this is a nontrivial amount of oil. Though it would be nice to do something more about the oil. Perhaps it could even dissuade them from using the dispersants... (Haha, I kid. They wouldn't backpedal on the effectiveness of dispersants now.)

Submission + - Reporting security flaws in websites? 3

lolbutts writes: When you discover a security flaw in a website, what do you do? I just realized that a website that I might have used has really glaring security holes. I have sent them an email detailing the concerns, but I am almost certain it will be disregarded. This bothers me because ensitive data for all of their customers, not just the web users, is trivial to get. Without breaking the law, how would you get an offending website to fix security problems?

Submission + - Discrimination of numbers (technologyreview.com)

BlackShirt writes: In 1938, the physicist Frank Benford made an extraordinary discovery about numbers. He found that in many lists of numbers drawn from real data, the leading digit is far more likely to be a 1 than a 9. In fact, the distribution of first digits follows a logarithmic law. So the first digit is likely to be 1 about 30 per cent of time while the number 9 appears only five per cent of the time.That's an unsettling and counterintuitive discovery. Why aren't numbers evenly distributed in such lists?

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