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Submission + - Netflix to acquire OnLive, offer streaming video games ( 4

techfun89 writes: "Netflix revealed today, that they are acquiring the cloud based OnLive gaming company for $1.1 billion. Netflix said that the Netflix branded online streaming of games will keep the OnLive interface intact, but will offer different pricing plans yet to be announced.

Netflix has indicated that the existing mini-console offered by OnLive for playback of video games on TV's will also support the playback of all Netflix content, making it an all in one multimedia device. There are some rumors that Netflix may try to offer playback of video games on existing game consoles (where movie streaming supported), but some manufacturers may try to block this feature."


Submission + - LFTR in 5 Minutes or, Why aren't we using Thorium for nuclear power? ( 2

Lorien_the_first_one writes: Seems that this video is going viral. The video points out all the advantages of Thorium as nuclear fuel over Uranium: lower cost, the reactor shuts itself down when damage occurs, the waste is much easier to handle and contain, and Thorium is far more abundant than Uranium. So why aren't we using Thorium for nuclear power instead of Uranium?

Comment Rumors (Score 1) 371

Somehow I don't find it surprising that the same site has reported from 'reliable sources' that both the 'PS4' and '720' will take issue with used games. Are we attempting a self-fulfilling prophecy here? There seems to be a lot of excitement to proudly proclaim "I fucking called it!" if either one of these consoles employs a CD key or account-lock game ownership mechanic.

Furthermore, what is their problem with backwards compatibility? There were two big things that prevented me from buying a PS3; the price tag for the longest time, and its removal of PS2 backward compatibility. Certainly it can't be difficult to copy-paste the old code from the PS1/PS2/PS3 and launch the proper interpreter depending on disc era?

Comment Pander to the holders of the purse strings (Score 2) 422

The country has three concurrent wars for oil going on, and to fund it they probably spend more than NASA's entire yearly budget in a few months. Add to the mission goals the intent to research and build a giant continent-vaporizing laser, or allude to the presence of crude oil on Mars, and watch your funding skyrocket.

In all seriousness though, there does seem to be a significant lack of interest in the sciences whenever there isn't a clear end result of return on investment. It's no big secret that the almighty dollar makes the world turn.


Submission + - The Sun blasts out another flare, twice as big as (

The Bad Astronomer writes: "The sunspot cluster that erupted in a solar flare and coronal mass ejection last Monday burst into life again on Friday, blasting out an X2 class solar flare, twice as energetic as the last one. This one was on the Sun's limb and was pointed away from us, so we're in no danger; all we got was a very minor radiation storm that's on the lowest ranking of such things. But it did put on quite a light show, which you can see in a video created with images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory."

Submission + - Stealing smartphone crypto keys using radio waves (

coondoggie writes: "Encryption keys on smartphones can be stolen via a technique using radio waves, says one of the world's foremost crypto experts, Paul Kocher, whose firm Cryptography Research will demonstrate the hacking stunt with several types of smartphones at the upcoming RSA Conference in San Francisco next month."

Comment Re:I miss GOTO...there I said it (Score 2) 353

The issue with goto is that it is a supremely useful language construct that resides on the far end of Caveat Valley. Egregious use by those who are inexperienced far outnumbers proper use by those who employ it correctly, because it is somehow more attractive than the construct they really need, which is generally break.

Goto and other program 101 are at such a basic level that those who generally require education on its proper deployment are too inexperienced to comprehend an example that displays its proper use. Instructors just take the fire and brimstone approach and declare goto is a sin just to simplify the process. It's a victim of character assassination.

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