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Comment Re:Why do I need KDE? (Score 1) 302

I seem to keep having this conversation. :D

I often find it difficult to describe my love for KDE. I've used GNOME, WindowMaker, Enlightenment, Xfce and even CDE for a time. KDE will suck on your RAM more than the others will, most likely, but on a modern PC the only time I would need a GUI and all of my RAM for my PC to be responsive is if I were running VMs configured in a cluster on it. KDE is a pleasant environment that allows you, more than any other environment, to configure your workspace precisely to how you want to do business with your PC.

On a typical day on my PC I'm running: Firefox, Konqueror (for google searches, via krunner), Yakuake (always in memory, drop-down console), Eclipse, Kate, Dolphin (often on multiple desktops), Kopete (IM client), Konversation (IRC client), GIMP, OpenOffice/Kword (depending on what I'm doing), Amarok (music rules), VLC, Kontact (groupware software, mostly for KMail), etc., etc.

I have a 3.2Ghz processor and 4GB or RAM which I don't even fully use (32 bit Ubuntu, I suck at making the big leap) and some kind of Nvidia card that plays WoW well (and I run that via Wine with -opengl) that allows me to have crazy desktop effects that run as smoothly as the first time I ran WindowMaker on my P133.

Times are changing, the desktop is on Linux now too. I don't think it will ever be for everybody but Linux has the best UI configuration capability, in my opinion, over any other PC interface I've ever used; here's the kicker, it's because of KDE for me. GNOME has always kind of had ups and downs with respect to philosophy regarding applications and how the UI is laid out for each. All KDE apps, unless the author took the pain to build it piece by piece themselves, are pretty much uniform in presentation and usage. GNOME can't claim that and everything else is pretty much just a window manager.

Robustness is not bad if you feel you actually need it. Stick with what works for you, KDE works for me. Open source is about options, too.

Comment First Learn Formal Logic (Score 1) 346

Buy a book on how to draw a flow chart and see if you can describe each step of a process using that knowledge.  Once you're capable of handling the flow of logic through a diagram you'll be better off learning the flow of logic through a program (as, aside from syntax, it's the same idea.)  After that learn what "types" exist, such as integers, floats, boolean, characters and strings.  If you can hold all of this, thus far, in your head and make peace with what it all means then find a language that's easy for someone to pick up on, like PHP, which basically lets you write a program from the first statement typed.

Programming is something I honestly feel should be a fundamental skill for everyone; I think the reason why most people don't learn to do it is that they've convinced themselves they won't understand it.  Have confidence that you'll get it and practice.  Remember that good programming is learned over years and not days or weeks.  Try not to get frustrated, the WWW has more than enough information available for anyone to learn.

Comment Re:Smart (Score 3, Insightful) 201

KDE has never been impressive during it's initial releases of new major versions, and I admit that as a KDE user.  However, overall, once you reach a stable KDE version I find that KDE is miles better than GNOME.  I've tried, many times, to get into GNOME to see what others find special about it and all I ever find is that it's still the same old GNOME.  The only single benefit I credit to GNOME over KDE is speed; however, on a modern PC the only noticeable speed increase in GNOME over KDE is startup time.

If you haven't yet, download Kubuntu 10.04 and patch up to the latest version of KDE.  Once you see how the plasma desktop can be configured I'm confident that you'll begin to reconsider.

Comment PC Xbox (Score 1) 324

Thing is, the PC is a better gaming experience.  I can't play an FPS on a console, it's far too slow to turn, move, etc.  Consoles traditionally had games that PCs didn't, like Square RPGs, enix RPGS, side-scrollers.  Some games work better with a console, some with a PC.  The only FPS on a console that worked out for me was the Metroid Prime series.  Perfect control, fast-paced gameplay delivered with Nintendo-style game control.

I think another issue is that though the recent games are coming with pretty graphics and usually good sound design, they are, mostly, a variation on a theme.  Fun-factor in games has always been the most important thing to me.  Immersion the close second.  And if you can bother to make me laugh and not just swear in frustration, that'd be nice too.  :P

Comment What Now You Say? (Score 1) 293

If, by reading all of the material and going through all of the exercises you have thus far, you are preparing to write a test... congratulations, you're probably finished learning what you need to know. If you're preparing to get a job, you have some work ahead of you. I've been writing software professionally since 1997 (not as long as some, but long enough to impart *some* knowledge.) The more time you spend trying to solve real problems by writing software, the better you will become at doing just that. Having knowledge of an API, system, class library or a language's syntax will never compare to actually doing something useful with that language.

When you get out of school you'll end up running into languages you've never worked with before, didn't spend any time learning and you will be able to pick up their syntax in a very short period of time (for me, recently, it's within hours.) Learning the gotchas of each language/platform combination can take a very long time. Learning how not to shoot yourself in the foot in those languages can take even longer. If I were you, I would create a project for yourself, define a list of requirements. Then, go through the list of requirements and attach an hourly amount to each one, your estimate of how long you think it will take you to perform those tasks. Then, perform them. Don't necessarily focus on making sure you stay within the time you set for yourself, just focus on providing the best solution per task that you know how.

Your first self-made project might go over the hourly allotment, it may not, but either way you'll be well on your way. The next self-made project you assign yourself should be longer, more complex and involve more features (perhaps additions to the project you assigned yourself the first time.) Practice makes perfect. Also, do your best to try not to be "creative" necessarily, solve the problem, don't try to be a code hero, and you should do fine from there.

Comment Re:Clarity? (Score 1) 364

I haven't posted on /. for quite some time, but... I need to know what part of the world you live in that it's not taking over? More and more I'm meeting people, normal honest-to-God human people just out there who have converted to Linux. I meet people all the time in coffee shops, book stores, shopping malls, whathaveyou, and there really aren't many Windows users where I live anymore. I've been running KDE 4.3.2 for a few weeks now; more than ever I'm advocating this software. Linux isn't about propaganda, it's not about winning or losing, it's organically ending up on desktops, laptops, servers, cell phones, etc. Try out Kubuntu, if you don't find it easy to support your hardware and set your desktop up, then you'd have a hard time doing it on Windows too.

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